Saturday, August 31, 2019
Bullying & Aggression Essay
Harmful effects of bullying (suicide, depression, decreased academic achievement, etc.) How to prevent bullying from happening 160,000 kids and teens stay home from school because of bullying. Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year according to the CDC. Bullying is an issue that that is not taken seriously today. Even though statistics state that thirty percent of the students in the United States are involved in bullying on a regular basis either as a victim , bully, or both. The effects bullying can have on a person can last throughout their lives, or may even end it. What Is Bullying? Bullying, is unwanted aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, overtime, according to There are different types of bullying, Verbal bullying Saying or writing mean things – teasing, name-calling, inappropriate sexual comments, taunting, threatening to cause harm Social Bullying Involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships. Often referred to as relational bullying -Telling other children not to be friends with someone -Spreading rumors about someone -Embarrassing someone in public ( Social bullying is mainly seen in girls) Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions – Hitting, kicking, taking or breaking someone’s things, making mean or rude hand gestures There is a variety of reasons of why bullying or being bullied is caused. Some of the reasons are: Cultural Causes We are part of a culture where we are influenced by power, violence, and winning. Experts suggest that not being influenced by these factors seems unrealistic. People will seek to gain power through violence, or verbal abuse. Being from a different religion, or a different race can be some of the reasons for being bullied. Having Power Being a bully gives you some sort of power over other students . Research indicates that the fact of having power make people wish to wield it in a noticeable way. Social Issues The fact that someone gets more social recognition for having negative behaviors than for positive ones can contribute to the reasons why bullying exists. Jealousy or envy and lack of social skills to deal with these emotions can also lead to bullying. Experiencing social rejection can also produce a bully. The bully â€Å"passes it on†making his peers feel the same rejection he felt. Being different according to society, can be one of the reasons for being, bullied. Not fitting in, or not having the same social status as the rest of your classmates can lead to being bullied. Family Issues A home where there is no love or support towards the children is more likely to produce bullies. In a family where there is no discipline and monitoring, there is a greater chance of a child becoming a bully. A family issue, like both parents working full-time, or a divorce, can be a cause of being bullied. The child doesn’t feel like he has family support, nor someone to talk to at home, causing him to be insecure and in need of attention. Making him an â€Å"easy target†for a bully. Effects of Bullying
Friday, August 30, 2019
Hrm About Alibaba
1. Introduction Alibaba Group is the world's outstanding business-to-business e-commerce service company, which provides an efficient online trading platform for buyers and suppliers all over the world. It is China's largest e-commerce group which was founded by Jack Ma in 1999, and has developed into seven affiliated groups, namely Alibaba International Business Operations, Alibaba Small Business Operations, Taobao Marketplace, Tmall. com, Juhuasuan, e-Tao and Alibaba Cloud Computing (News, 2012).Besides, Alibaba Group has more than 24,000 employees in 70 cities which scattered in China, India, Japan, Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States (News, 2012). This report will focus on analysis for Alibaba Group's human resource management, in order to reply the demand of its future developments. 2. Background to the case study organization Alibaba Group has taken a hit as a result that a part of its employees were guilty of online fraudulent activities and irresponsible short- term profit.The announcement of the company showed that nearly 100 employees including sales staffs, manager and supervisor, had conspired to the fraud by deliberately helping fake suppliers in China to register with avoiding the company scrutiny and allowing them to defraud oversea buyers on the Alibaba’s international website (Nytimes, 2011). Surprisingly, these allegedly fraudulent online shops account for 1. 1% and 0. 8% of Alibaba’s ‘Gold Suppliers’ signed up during 2009 and 2010 respectively, which has impacted on the company value and produced a shock to mass beliefs (Economist, 2012).Thirteen people were sentenced ranging from eight months to three years in jail after conspiring with suppliers to gain illegally around RMB 500,000 yuan in this online fraud (Nytimes, 2011). 3. Outline of People Management Issues This issue related to the credibility of Alibaba is directly due to the internal defects in management, the lack of inside supervision an d few controls of the internal culture. Moreover, the deep-rooted reason should be the problems of its human resources management. Lacking of a set of scientific and effective control and management system cannot guarantee the mplementation of building both core value and enterprise culture of Alibaba. Therefore, the outline of this report about the human resource management issue behind the online fraud of Alibaba is as follows. On the one hand, the management and supervision system has problems. Alibaba Group has not supervised the management in the process of dealing with related complaints about fraud happened between 2009 and 2010, even though some suspected online trading accounts had been deleted and specific inquiries of its international market transaction had been conducted since the beginning of the third quarter in 2010.It appears that in this issue managers ignored fraudulent behaviours behind the performance-chasing. However, in the statement said by Mr. Ma, it was not allowed to violate business honest principal or the basic line of company values (BBC, 2012). Although managers in Alibaba Group have to take responsibilities for the consequences, it cannot be denied that the fraud fully exposed that the lack of internal control, especially the supervision and administration of the management, is one of reasons lead to exacerbate the situation.Additionally, the event of online fraud has been doomed from the start to some extent. With the accelerating pace of internationalisation, the number of employees which rapidly increased from 11,700 in 2009 to 24,000 in 2012 has become a significant challenge that threats the development of Alibaba Group (Hua, 2012). However, weak awareness of the human resource control among Alibaba Group’s executives sets the stage for this online fraud scandal in China. On the other hand, the company may not satisfy the physical and emotional need of its employees.Both the greedy desire and the psychological imbala nce are the internal reason behind the problem. 4. Analysis (linked to HRM theory) There is always a kind of psychological motivations behind any subjective action, and the online fraud scandal of the Alibaba Group is no exception. This report will start the analysis from the view of internal motivations and then moving to the external causes. 4. 1 Internal reasons According to the perspective of Abraham Maslow who is well known for the hierarchy of needs theory, the pattern of behaviours based on individual needs (Poston, 2009).The following are psychological requirements which could associate with the fraudulent behaviours of officers at Alibaba in term of the greedy desire, the psychological imbalance and herd mentality. 4. 1. 1 The greedy desire It is difficult to satisfy individual demands because everyone would move to the next more advanced platform of the hierarchical pyramid that Maslow created frequently once the prior need is met, especially in modern society.Meanwhile, w hen setting Maslow’s model into the business to understand the motivation behind employees’ behaviours, it is not amazing to find that there are also have similar five levels of needs which including wages, safety, social belongingness, self-esteem and finally self-actualization. Maslow and Stephens (2000) have posited out that individuals will not spend an inordinate amount of time to think about their salaries if they are fairly paid. After being paid adequate salary, employee seeks safety physically and mentally on the jobs.And then the stage of needs moves to the third level subsequently-seeking social belongingness in the workplace. Although the working environment is always full of stress and difficulties, training provides opportunities for employees to improve themselves and contact with new people which could help them to fit in. Until the employee make themselves comfortable among different working relationship, it will not allowed to access to the hierarchy stage of self-esteem and self-actualization respectively.Unfortunately, after employees have been satisfied with all these five levels of needs, the worldview, philosophy and value view of them will be generally changed in a climate of corruption. With the early success of corrupt deals by heads of the sales department at Alibaba, they would have an addictive sense of satisfaction and accomplishment which lead to those guilty behaviours for greater interest repeat again and again naturally. In Skinnner’s reinforcement theory, Skinner (1984) has drawn attention to the fact that appropriate reinforcement based on public consequence may influence verbal response.It means that individuals would reinforce a kind of behaviour once its consequence benefit to them. Therefore, it makes sense that managers at Alibaba will help to defraud if dynamically taking managers’ greedy desire into consideration. 4. 1. 2 The psychological imbalance Employees of equal position and qualifica tion serviced in the parallel department with the same salary may have quite different perceptions of the fairness. When they perceives the disparity between the inputs and the outputs, different responds will be excepted in various ways, including de-motivation, reduced effort, becoming disgruntled and even disruptive.According to the Equity Theory of Adams, an individual will perceive the ratio of inputs to the outcomes depend not only on the absolute value but also in the relative value in order to measure whether himself or herself is treated fairly or not (Adams et al, 1976). This can be illustrated by the following equation: Individual’s outcomes/individual’s own inputs = relational partner’s outcomes/relational partner’s inputs (Adams et al, 1976). Equity is considered when this ratio is equal. While if this ratio is unequal, it leads to ‘equity tension’ which was called the negative tension state by Adam (1976).Meanwhile, it wil l motivate him or her to do something to relieve this tension. Therefore, it is why some leading cadres at Alibaba Group may feel unbalanced and help to defraud which negatively impact on the credibility of the company. With the rapid expansion of international business scale in the development of Alibaba Group, they consider their contribution to the company is greater than the return. As a result, corruption was caused secretly by the combination of selfish desire and power without supervision. 4. 2 External reasons 4. 2. 1 OpportunityThe officers participated in the fraud are almost from a high-powered job position in Alibaba Group and own important resource and privileges in the company. Therefore, it is easy for them to commit a crime with close interest people once they are lured by short-term profits. 4. 2. 2 The lack of control and management system It is not just incorrect psychological requirement or the unsound political system is blamed for breeding corruption, the lack of core value and culture control of the company is one of the significant factors which could not be ignored.The development of supervision before the event, at present and after the event all depends on the growth of the enterprise culture. Thus, if the pre-supervision runs into a problem, it represents the failure in enterprise culture management. There are six core values guide Alibaba Group’s operations and operate its culture, which including customer first, teamwork, embrace change, integrity passion and commitment (News, 1999). However, it is difficult to transform corporate culture into practice to some extent.Meanwhile, with the rapidly increased number of employees in Alibaba Group, the previous culture management has to further improve. Organizational culture diagnoses and cultural audits, for example, can give an accurate picture of an organization’s current management system (Mason, 2012). 5. Critical Reflection on group presentation Because our group has not given the presentation to the class, I could just conclud some limitation about the analysis of this report. Due to the theories of human resource management are not fully understood, the analysis of the case study about the Alibaba Group is not in-depth and incomplete.Moreover, the report has only provided superficial explanations of the issue because of the insufficient knowledge of Alibaba Group and the limitation of those methods linked with. Besides, the recommendations have not taken everything into consideration. They are too abstract and theoretical that are not seen as scientific, feasible suggestions in practice. However, analysing the issue of human resource management in the view of psychology is an innovative point of this report. 6. Recommendations 6. 1 Strengthen job rotation system in the key positionAlibaba Group should strengthen the job rotation system to avoid the corruption, especially in some key positions. According Shalley and Oldham (2004), employees wi ll have job burnout of different extents as well as reduction of creativity after 6 years working in the same position. However, if the company could do the job rotation periodically and provide support to any employees transitioning out of the company, the situation will be changed as it not only prevents managers from increasing spheres of influence, but also gives opportunities to employees to gain experience in their professions. 6. 2 Establish the mechanism of risk managementRisk management of all positions in the internal enterprise is an important part of the management system. Alibaba Group should clear the level of risk in different position and establish an internal regulatory system which includes ‘peer review’ mechanism, department regulatory system, internal audit and external audit mechanisms to ensure mutual supervision avoid unnecessary credit losses. 6. 3 Establish psychological management mechanism It is necessary to give psychological training program me at least once a month for intensifying the efforts of anti-corruption and enhancing the management of core value and culture in Alibaba Group.Besides, relevant department would better assign a special supervisor to investigate the staff on suspicion of corruption. 6. 4 Improve the mechanism of incentives and restrictions Alibaba Group should keep its employees hold the sense of crisis and responsibility and correct the psychological imbalance at the same time, such as using gaming-style leader boards to encourage internal competition or offer appropriate prizes to the most successful one. 6. Improve the standard system of selection and appointment Alibaba Group should try to improve the standard system of selection in order to ensure the person employed has higher organizational commitment. Additionally, it is necessary to introduce different kinds of methods of personal testing and assessment which combine the enterprise culture into the evaluation. References Mason, K. (2012). Informing a new business-to-business relationship: Corporate identity and the emergence of a relationship identity. European Journal of Marketing, 46 (7), p. 684-711. Poston, B. (2009). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.The Surgical Technologist, 8 p. 348-353. Available at: http://www. astd2007. ast. org/publications/Journal%20Archive/2009/8_August_2009/CE. pdf [Accessed: 03 Nov 2012]. ADAMS, J. S. , BERKOWITZ, L. , ; HATFIELD, E. (1976). Equity theory: toward a general theory of social interaction. New York, Academic Press. Bbc. co. uk (2011). BBC News – China arrests 36 for fraud on Alibaba and other sites. [online] Available at: http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/business-13986308 [Accessed: 1 Nov 2012]. Economist. com (2012). An online-fraud scandal in China: Alibaba and the 2,236 thieves | The Economist. online] Available at: http://www. economist. com/blogs/newsbook/2011/02/online-fraud_scandal_china [Accessed: 05 Nov 2012]. Harpercollins. com (2008). Browse Inside In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies by Thomas J. Peters, Robert H. Waterman, Jr.. [online] Available at: http://www. harpercollins. com/browseinside/index. aspx? isbn13=9780060548780 [Accessed: 09 Nov 2012]. Hua, T. (2012). Alibaba and the 2,236 thieves. Business Management, Iss. 5 p. 12-13. MASLOW, A. H. , & STEPHENS, D. C. (2000). The Maslow business reader. New York, N. Y. , J.Wiley. News. alibaba. com (2012). Alibaba Group. [online] Available at: http://news. alibaba. com/specials/aboutalibaba/aligroup/group_news. html [Accessed: 02 Nov 2012]. News. alibaba. com (1999). Alibaba Group. [online] Available at: http://news. alibaba. com/specials/aboutalibaba/aligroup/culture_values. html [Accessed: 05 Nov 2012]. Nytimes. com (2011). David Wei and Elvis Lee Quit Alibaba Amid Fraud Inquiry – NYTimes. com. [online] Available at: http://www. nytimes. com/2011/02/22/business/global/22alibaba. html [Accessed: 02 Nov 2012]. Shalley, C. and Oldham , G. (2004).Th e Effects of Personal and Contextual Characteristics on Creativity: Where Should We Go from Here? Journal of Management, 30 (6), p. 933-958. Skinner, B. (1981). Selection by consequences. Science, 212 (4507), p. 501-504. Skinner, B. (1984). The operational analysis of psychological terms. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 7 (4), p. 547-553. Available at: http://web. comhem. se/u68426711/rft/Skinner%201945%20The%20operational%20analysis%20of%20psychological%20terms. pdf [Accessed: 06 Nov 2012]. SUZANNE, B. And STEPHEN, D. (2003). Understanding and motivating health care employees:
Thursday, August 29, 2019
David Hume’s Necessary Connection Essay
Hume questions why humans always make a necessary connection to events. Hume has always stated that it is impossible for humans to think anything that they have not already experienced. So to find the idea of Necessary Connection we have to look back on our impressions. We have to find where the idea of Necessary Connection came from. Hume argues that we cannot create new ideas for ourselves, which solidifies his position on Necessary Connection. Hume has an explanation for this his stand on Necessary Connection. Hume argues that there is cause instead of Necessary Connection. We cannot show the necessity of cause to every new existence without also showing that something’s existence depends on a productive principal. For example we are unable to explain why we are able to move our thumb. We know we can will it to do so but we do not know the process of the action. We are unable to connect all the biological connections such as nerves and impulses from our brain telling certain muscles and tendons to do the action of moving our thumb. Also, since all distinct ideas can be separated, and cause and effect are distinct ideas, we can conceive any object to be non-existent and then existent without attaching causality. This goes back to the ability, or non-ability, of humans to create an idea. There has to be a cause and effect in our minds when an event happens. Now, we go all the way back to the beginning of existence. The separation of the idea of cause from the beginning of existence is possible in the imagination. Hume says that we do not need to associate a cause with the beginning of existence.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Changes in American Foreign Policy at the Turn of the 20th Century Essay
The Changes in American Foreign Policy at the Turn of the 20th Century - Essay Example In addition to US political, social and economic influence on other countries, foreign policy also covers humanitarian, military, and ideological concerns. This paper seeks to discuss the changes in American foreign policy at the turn of the 20th century. Controlling territories and political alliances During the initial years of the 20th century, United States had less imperial powers as compared to European countries. In order to gain control over other territories including Philippines, Cuba, and Spain, US resulted into war. However, the occurrence of great depression in 1930s weakened the US military strength. This made the country to lack ability to retaliate when Pearl Harbor was struck by Japan in 1941. One of the major initiatives that made US to be involved in European affairs was the World War 1. A major change in US foreign policy was experienced after World War II. After the war, US led in establishing United Nations that was focused at restoring peace in the world and av oiding occurrence of another World War (James 36). Even though US emulated the aspect of isolationist after World War 1, the country was again involved in European affairs when it initiated Marshall Plan that aimed at restoring the political strength of European countries. In addition to the creation of UN, US also established other political alliances such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). One of the major implications on the alliances was creation of strong relationship between US and foreign countries resulting to political and economic growth in many countries. Containment of the Soviet Union The economic, ideological and military competition that existed between Soviet Union and US, led to the creation of massive nuclear weapons. Even though the two countries did not go to war, the strategy of containing the communism and the Soviet Union resulted to the involvement of US in the Vietnam and Korean (James 17). US leadership In order to ensure democracy in US and other countries, United States emulated effective leadership styles. The responsibility of Theodore Roosevelt in building US and controlling other countries cannot be ignored. For example, during the establishment of Panama Canal, Colombian government resisted the US move to make the canal enter the Republic of Colombia. However, even though Roosevelt who was then US president had the power to fight Colombia government, he did not directly go to war with Colombia but supported Panama to fight Colombia as the former sought for independence. The diplomacy depicted by Roosevelt is evident when he led in the negotiation between Russia and Japan in 1905 that resulted to the end of war between the two countries. The leadership style adopted by Roosevelt had a positive implication on the US and other countries culture in that it portrayed the importance of recognizing the importance of emulating negotiation to solve cultural conflicts that are experienced in many countries especially third world nations. Gulf invasion The invasion of Iraq by US in 1990 was not only based on the annexation of Kuwait by Iraq but also it was due to other political and economic reasons (Hiro 23). Due to the high amount of oil in Saudi Arabia, US wanted to support Saudi Arabia in order to benefit from the oil supplies from Saudi Arabia. In addition, the abuse of human rights by President Saddam propelled the invasion of Iraq by US. As a result of the Gulf conflict, the economy of many countries was affected regardless
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
How Spirituality Effects Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
How Spirituality Effects Economics - Essay Example Not until recently, not much attention was paid to how the spirituality of people can affect their economics. Spirituality has been thought to be associated with our inner self and has much to do with our non-physical self but our spiritual self, having an encounter with God (Russell, 2006). Most commonly therefore, spirituality is said to have a close relation to religion since religion centers on man’s realization for a supreme creator. This paper shall discuss the relationship between religion and economics with emphasis on how Christianity, Jewish and Buddhism affect economics. The first factor of consideration with reference to religion and economics is consumer behavior. Perner (2008) explains that consumer behavior involves the â€Å"psychological processes that consumers go through in recognizing needs, finding ways to solve these needs, making purchase decisions, interpret information, make plans, and implement these plans.†If consumer behavior is a psychologi cal process, then it is very right to say that all three religions greatly affect the consumer behavior of its members. This is because in all three religions, followers are made to understand that God communicates to them through the mind. In Christianity for instance, Jesus is quoted as saying that a person would be judged based on the person’s thoughts and that â€Å"For out of the heart [mind] come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander†(Matthew 15:19). Psychology also deals with the mind. This way, people in the three religion are obliged not to make purchases merely by what they feel like buying but waiting for the voice of God in deciding what to buy and what not to buy. Another example with Christianity in Exodus 20:17 documents that "you shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.†Economically, this can be related to the consumer behavior of impulse buying resulting from enviousness to own an item. Spirituality therefore restricts worshipers in their purchases and consumer behavior, thereby affecting their personal economy. The second factor on spirituality that affects economy has to do with organizational ethics. According to Change Factory (2010), â€Å"ethics is a system or code of moral standards of a particular person, group or profession.†Ethics can be given a religious interpretation to represent righteousness because righteousness sets a moral standard by which religious followers are to tread. All three religions expect followers to be of the highest level of righteousness at the workplace thereby eschewing acts like bribery, corruption, laziness, cheating and pilfering, which are all considered as acts of unrighteousness. In Jewish worship for instance, the rabbinical law on theft and robbery speaks against stealing, stating in Sh. Ar., ?M 348:1 that an object which is in the possession of a person without the consent of its owner or any other person having a right thereto constitutes stealing (Jewish Virtual Library, 2008). In economics also, when workers in a given organization work devoid of the negative ethics mentioned, there is sure to be increased productivity and in effect, increased revenue. Once there is increased productivity, there is sure to be economic growth and development. The final factor to be discussed on how spirituality affects economics has to do with the spiritual adherence to faith. Faith may be generally said to be the spiritual hope to receive something that is unseen. In all three religions, faith is very central to their worship. In Christianity, it is said that without faith, it is impossible to
Response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5
Response paper - Essay Example The American citizens realize that the increased profit pressures are moving the press away from sensitive and controversial issues. These issues may critic on features of corporate America resulting to reduced sales. Thus, the media agendas receive direction from the government and business interests. The citizens are highly becoming aware that the media they are receiving is of lower quality filled with propaganda. The citizens also now understand that the media is a form of support or manipulation tool for the powerful. It also understands that the media consistently fails in its role of delivering true information to the masses. The distrust of media has grown quite extensively over the past five years in many American citizens (In Ward 2013 p. 67). Regulations limiting media products from entering a domestic market include import quotas, immigration rules, foreign ownership regulations, foreign exchange remittances and custom duties. This occurs to protect local industries from foreign competition. However, as times change the trade barriers undergo lessening in an effort to increase trade. If these barriers in the future receive lifting, the media products would flow freely between countries. This unlimited flow of entertainment and information would enhance media globalization. The transport of people and goods keeps improving. Over the years, it keeps getting affordable and reliable. These improvements will facilitate quick and easy transportation of media products to people across the world in the future. These improvements will facilitate growth of global media since the products will be easily accessible. Technology keeps evolving. It keeps reducing geographical distance while allowing for larger volumes of communication. With new developments, the speed of communication keeps increasing. Technology evolvements keep making communication and access of information easier and flexible. Thus, in the future these new
Monday, August 26, 2019
Do Only What You Feel Like Doing as a Today's Philosophy of Life Research Paper
Do Only What You Feel Like Doing as a Today's Philosophy of Life - Research Paper Example People seem to be so eager to have more, that they even forget about their own lives and concentrate primarily on satisfying their material needs. It's not only about ensuring a comfortable life anymore, but it's also about luxury we are talking now, and about making things so easy, by introducing technology everywhere, that we even forget that this means "easy" and we get to think it has always been the same. Men have always had this tendency towards exaggerating, mostly when it comes to getting rich or powerful and there have always been philosophers who noticed it. Plato was one of them. He insisted on the idea that man should be moderate, should balance his desires. Moderation doesn't mean repression, but it means that you shouldn't satisfy only one need, one desire, in the detriment of other needs. The philosopher convinced that virtue is all that is relevant for happiness, is also convinced that the soul is immortal and that it comes from a world different from the material wor ld where we live with our bodies. And in the Greek philosopher's view, we should cultivate virtue and reason rather than desires that belong to the material world. According to Plato, there are two possible ideas for man's life: one which means that the ultimate purpose of life is a pleasure and the other one according to which the purpose of life is that of Good. Everyone knows that our life here is not eternal, that at a certain point, sooner or later, at a younger or older age we are going to die. So our life here ends. And then comes the question: what happens after that? When it comes to a question like that, people's opinions differ. Some think this is all, others consider that the end of this life means the beginning of a new life, of a life beyond our senses and beyond materiality.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Holistic Health Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Holistic Health Resources - Essay Example s website, emotional wellness, it is determined by the ability of an individual to be aware and accepting of his or her own feelings, as well as stress management skills. She works with the Idea Health and Fitness Association, which gives information based on thorough research and ensures it is up to date. This depends on how positive they are about their life. The intellectual wellness is an individual’s ability to be a rational thinker; to have a greater understanding of things and have creativity within them (Applebaum). On another website NetWellness center, which is a non-profit global community service, the physical wellness involves the ability of an individual to participate in different sorts of exercises that determine the strength of their muscles and the health of their heart. The social wellness of an individual is determined by their ability to create and maintain healthy relationships. Spiritual wellness, on the other hand, refers to how much are they willing to seek meaning and the purpose of their existence. It involves the development of personal principles (Fitzwater). Vocational Wellness refers to the accomplishment of personal and career goals. As a result, the individual is motivated by goals. Forever-active is also a fitness and wellness center that is dedicated to improving people’s health. In relation to information provided on the website, the main points emphasize that the six dimensions are important, because they enable an individual to be focused, confident and make decisions based on correct moral grounds. When people master the art of achieving the requirements of the six dimensions of wellness, then they are able to live fulfilling lives
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Airline industry and leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Airline industry and leadership - Essay Example The airlines industry is one which constantly faced with considerable global challenges and competition. Constantly turbulence in their business conditions leaves the fortunes of these companies in the hands of global conditions and conditions of the economy. The co-evolutionary process of industry development and leadership is evident in many of the airlines companies across the world. Leaders have played the dynamic role of developing new business models with the aim to revitalize and rebuild the industry. Some of the greatest airlines in the world, such as the South West Airlines and British Airways have been successful in overcoming hard times and driven towards success by the initiative, zeal and enthusiasm of their leadership teams. It would explain the general theories of leadership providing evidence from another industry (Gilbert, 2009). Section 1 Effective leadership has been particularly responsible for bringing about dramatic organizational transformations. However, the leadership styles and types have differed between organizations. The most important ones which are worth mentioning in the context of bringing out organizational changes or transformation of organizations are situational leadership and contingency theory. According to Bass (1990), situational leadership takes into consideration the leaders and the followers as well as the situation. This is complemented with the elaboration of the circumstances, time and place as well (Martin, 2006, p.45).The fundamental underpinning of situational leadership theory is that it does not consider any single or best style of leadership. It is rather relevant to the task to be performed and the most success successful of all leaders is those who can adapt their leadership styles to the needs of the situation.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Gotham City the residents reported that the street prostitution Assignment
Gotham City the residents reported that the street prostitution Discussion - Assignment Example the offender, suppression of any opportunity that the offender may have and hardening the situation making it difficult for the offender to do crime(Ikerd, 2010). The scenario provide us with an opportunity to probe some questions; why are the people of Gotham city not bothered with prostitution in the area? Why do the residences indulge in prostitution? What are the factors that make prostitution easy? After answering the questions, clear and well planned method can be employed in curbing the act. Some specific methods like; using informants, sweep of the area, saturation patrol, profile interview, operation indent and installing visible cameras can help in curbing the act. These are secondary methods, and the primary method is the best. It involves gathering intelligence unto why the community members indulge in the practice, then that the primary drive is handled. The local business people should be kept in mind while handling this matter, because some may argue that prostitution is what is making them have customers, and perhaps that is the reason people of Gotham are not concerned with prostitution. In conclusion there must be professional analysis to help in managing crime without infringing with anyone’s
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Barriers Faced by Human Service Workers Essay Example for Free
Barriers Faced by Human Service Workers Essay â€Å"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. †– Albert Einstein Human service workers act as a liaison between clients in need and the agencies clients seek to obtain help from, and while human service workers strive to provide services in an adequate and timely manner this is not always possible. Human service workers are human therefore there can be a large margin of error. All human service agencies are subject to barriers that prevent perfect service from being rendered. While certain barriers do exist in the human service field improvements can be made that can lead to greater service. In today’s society technology is dominating the workforce causing former work methods to become obsolete. While technology is constantly changing the changes made are often for the better, allowing companies to thrive and overcome existing barriers once faced. Technology not only benefits â€Å"business†companies, but also greatly improves the barriers faced by human service workers. One potential barrier that human service agencies can face is falsification on company records. Falsification of records can prove fatal, especially in Child or Elder Protection cases. While falsification of records may not be the human service workers intention it can indeed be committed when time restraints prevent case workers from visiting their clients in a given time frame. In August 2006 lack of time and falsification of records proved fatal for 14 year old Danieal Kelley of Philadelphia, Pa. Danieal Kelley a then 14 year old cerebral palsy victim died from neglect at the hands of her own mother. The nightmare of forced starvation and infection that killed Danieal while under the protection of the city’s human service agency is documented in a 258 page grand jury report that charges nine people, her parents, four social workers, and three family friends- in her ghastly death†(CBS3,2008). In the case of Danieal Kelley â€Å"the department of Human Services received at least five reports of Danieal being mistreated between 2003 and 2005†(CBS3, 2008), and while social workers were assigned to Daniela’s case, none appeared to follow through. According to CBS3 news it’s suspected that after Danieal’s death Mickal Kamuvaka the company director of the agency in charge of Daniela’s case held a â€Å"forgery fest†in her office where she had employees â€Å"concoct almost a year’s worth of false progress reports†(CBS3, 2008). The fact that no one took time to protect Danieal sheds light on the terrible fact that â€Å"some†social workers falsify documents to protect themselves. In order to prevent future case like Danieal’s its imperative that a system be in place to prevent social workers from simply doctoring records when it’s convenient for them. A method that could be used to track the whereabouts of said social workers could be a G. P. S. Agencies could provide social workers who are required to make home visits with cell phones implanted with G. P. S. systems. The tracking system could be used while the social workers are on the clock to ensure that home visits are indeed being made within the required time frame. This tracking system could prevent workers from falsifying documentation because their whereabouts would be known ahead of time. An online G. P. S. racking system called World Tracker Web GPS (webgpstrack), which allows devices to be tracked through internet access. According to Mobile GPs online, â€Å"Web GPS Track is a self contained hardware and software package that allows a user to track his assets from anywhere through an internet connected PC†(Mobile GPs, 2008). The Web GPS Tracker works by using the world tracker and a SIM card from a local GSM wireless network carrier. Once the SIM card is inserted into a cell phone, GPS tracking can begin. One’s location can then be accessed by using platforms such as Google maps. This small device can be a very helpful tool in the human service field when it’s necessary to obtain truthful information about a workers true whereabouts. Web GPS Track can become expensive depending on the number of units needed for a given agency. The cost includes a onetime purchase fee of the World Tracker unit which is $350 each. An additional on time subscription fee of 99. 89 per unit is needed to activate the account. Additional fees include a monthly service fee of 19. 98 per unit, a onetime SIM card fee ranging between $25 and $ 50, and any SMS service fee charged by a local service provider. While the cost of GPS tracking can be expensive, it can prove beneficial when proper records are needed, and it may save an agency from facing a large lawsuit because of false documentation, it could also prevent another case of Danieal Kelley. Another potential barrier faced by human service agencies is Intellectual Property Theft. â€Å"Intellectual property is anything from names, images, symbols, and designs used in commerce, intellectual property is considered a valuable asset and most organizations have protected their intellectual property from infringement by others†(Hefter,1995). Intellectual property theft becomes possible when secure information is left unattended and within reach of possible culprits. Some ways that intellectual property may get out is through emails sent to incorrect recipients, when confidential information is left in common areas, or left laying on printers or scanners. Information can also be lost when employees speak on their cell phones in public areas. Intellectual property theft in the human service field can wreak havoc on clients. Personal information can fall into the wrong hands whether it in a domestic violence shelter or and employment shelter. While intellectual property theft is very serious solutions exist that can help combat Intellectual Property Theft. Aside from agencies limiting access to non business related websites to help prevent being hacked, a program called Symantec Data Loss Prevention which is used by leading technological companies can also be used as a safety measure. â€Å"Symantec Data Loss Prevention protects companies from malicious employee behavior, pirating, or accidental leaks that expose confidential information†(Symantec Security, 2008). Symantec Data Loss Prevention works by â€Å"1. Discovery; the software finds confidential data where ever it’s stored, creates an inventory of sensitive, and automatically manages data clean up. 2. Monitor; SDLP helps a company understand how confidential information is being used whether the user is on or off the cooperate network, and gain enterprise visibility. 3. Protect; SDLP helps companies gain visibility into policy violations to proactively secure data and preventing confidential data from leaving an organization.  4. Manage; SDLP helps companies define universal policies across an enterprise, remediate and report incidents, and detect content accurately within one unified platform†(Symantec Security, 2008). A program offered by Symantec is Norton Internet Security which performs the necessary features above. The cost of the Norton software is fairly inexpensive costing 69. 99. This cost allows a computer to be fully protected for a year before needing to renew the software subscription. Norton is inexpensive software which will help rotect company files and serves as a valuable investment, whether in a corperate office or a human service agency. Another potential barrier faced by human service agencies is the loss of data. As technology becomes more prevalent in the workforce more records are being transferred from paper to computers. As with any form of technology the possibility of records being lost is very real if computers crash or other technological difficulties arise. The best way to protect data is to always backup files. A number of technological software exist that can do this. For agencies using windows, â€Å"The windows server backup software can be used to automatically and continuously backup a number of devices like NAS,CD/DVD, hard drive and tapes†(Computer Customizing, 2008). One form of windows backup software is Acronis True Image which creates a replica of the disk image of the windows server. According to Computer Customizing this backup software helps aid in server disaster recovery by creating backups on a number of media, SAN volumes, and NAS. This software also restores huge databases and all the individual files with instant bare metal restore (Computer Customizing, 2008). This software will help protect all important files preventing valuable files from being lost. Human service workers and human service agencies are bound to face barriers on any given day and while this is an unavoidable truth there are solutions that can allow for a faster paced, safer, and more ethical workplace. While the vast majority of services rendered by human service agencies are completed by hard working human beings, technology is paving the road for a more effective work environment as long as agencies properly utilize the technological tools that are becoming available at a lightning fast rate. Technology is the way of the future and needs to be embraced in order to keep up with the times and not get lost in an overflow of paperwork which distracts from the true purpose of a human service worker which is to be an advocate for those in need.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
First World War Essay Example for Free
First World War Essay I have focussed my monologue on the character of Sheila Birling. Her role in the play was significant as it is coming from the point of view of a young, upper class woman. Her naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve views represent her role as an authoritative figure in society who has the ability to help Eva Smith, but her selfishness and her egotistic manner contradicts the main theme running through out the play of An Inspector Calls that one persons actions impact anothers and we all have a duty in helping people lower in the system. JB Priestley wrote the play in 1942 about a retrospective time just before the First World War. Sheilas main role in the play was that she was able and had the power to get Eva sacked because of her position in society, whereas Eva, who was of a lower class than Sheila, was not able to stand up for herself because she did not have enough power. Sheila abuses her superior position in society for petty reasons of that Eva is prettier than her. I chose to write about her, as she is a very expendable character who has no firm reason or purpose in firing Eva Smith. When the inspector questions Sheila about the photo Sheila says You Knew it was me all the time, didnt you? By saying this Sheila opens herself up (explain) and seems to accept responsibility for her actions and is showing this to the inspector, rather than trying to cover the truth up with lies, or try to pass on the blame to others as some characters in the play do. Her character I think is important in the play, as I believe that Priestly was trying to demonstrate later on in the play that the youth could change. The setting of my monologue of Sheila alone and isolated symbolises her distance from what she was once in the play. The year now being 1916, four years down the line, she has turned her back on the aristocratic life and is trying to dissolve into an unprivileged life. Her clothes are the colour of green and brown that shake off her previous character of wealth and affluence as to her new attempted classless status. Sheila has disconnected herself from the Birlings and perhaps is trying to punish herself by living the life that the Eva Smith once led. Sheilas job now includes working at homeless shelters and working for charities. Her language has become less energetic and fluent than it once was. I have however tried to include some of the phrases from the play it was a mean thing to do I tried to make use of punctuation and grammar to create her feelings and emotions. In the monologue I have use ellipsis to show pauses, when she might be thinking or reflecting on painful memories. Exclamation marks are used to get her point across that she is getting agitated and snappy To the audience, I was trying to convey the ideas of Sheila being a changed woman. That she has come to realise that status and power isnt everything. She can look past this now and look forward to a happy future with her new baby and Gerald, her husband. I think the Play writers view on Sheila and all the characters from the play was that the younger generation can learn from their mistakes, and he directs strong criticism towards businessmen who are only interesting in making money and will never lean from their mistakes. Sheilas the second person to be questioned by the Inspector and her response to Evas death is the most caring and heartfelt. She is genuinely upset by the death of Eva. The play is set in 1912. The periods between 1910 and 1945 were a great period of social change. In 1912 was the year that the titanic set sail, the year that the Suffragette movement started campaigning for womens rights in society. The war being a main factor, affecting society greatly and it began the process of merging class boundaries. The upper class young men were sent to the front line as officers and where many of the great landed families of Edwardian Great Britain began to disappear. My overall intention with this monologue was to understand the significant character of the young, impressionable Sheila Birling and how she is central to the key themes in the play and how the Inspector plays the social conscience on all the characters minds. By the close of the play, Sheila has come to realise that herself and her family have lied to each other, and also to the Inspector. She begins to see her whole life was a lie, the relationship she had with Gerald and lying to herself. She begins to see that she needs to start her life again with truth, starting with correcting her mistakes.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Ethical Concepts in the Provision of Nursing Care
Ethical Concepts in the Provision of Nursing Care The nursing process is more than a method that nurses use to diagnose and treat actual and potential health problems. The American Nurses Association (ANA) Standards of Nursing Practice provides a basis for practice and recognition of the patient; in addition, nurses also must adhere to the professions ethical code as well. Nurses are committed to respect human beings with an unbiased approach of care to differences socially, economically, culturally, racially, and other human attributes (Saucier, 2005, p. 80). It is the responsibility of the professional nurse to engrain ethics as an essential part of the foundation of nursing. The International Council for Nurses (ICN) identifies that the need for nursing is universal and that nurses have four fundamental responsibilities: to promote health, prevent illness, restore health, and alleviate suffering (Tomey, 2004, p. 75). From the beginning of nursing Florence Nightingale stated it so eloquently in the original Nightingale Pledge: I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling (Nightingale, 1893, para. 1) Ethical issues that are challenging for nurses in everyday practice and nurses continue to find it difficult to practice with moral integrity and as moral agents given the many difficult ethical challenges they encounter in the healthcare system. Confidentiality The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) was originally created to ensure the privacy of individuals and it holds those individuals accountable that might acquire sensitive information in regards to medical records (Garrett, Baillie, Garrett, 2010, p. 117). However, there are also some gray areas where a nurse is often not sure whether the information that is being handed out is acceptable, or whether the person that is asking for the information is authorized to have it. When these kinds of situations take place, confusion can arise and it can make it difficult for nurses to do the job properly without fear of retaliation. Not only is confidentiality an ethical issue, but a legal requirement. In chapter five, Principles of Confidentiality and Truthfulness, the terms obligation and secrets was used. Having the understanding and knowing the difference between the types of secrets and an awareness of harm or possible harm to the patient, family, or profession is key. This information is directly related to the Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice, Standard 12. Ethics, The registered nurse integrates ethical provisions in all areas of practice. The measurement criteria for the registered nurse state: Maintains patient confidentiality within legal and regulatory parameters, maintains a therapeutic and professional patient-nurse relationship with appropriate professional boundaries, and uses Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements to guide practice (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2004, p. 39). Specifically, ethic 3.2 Confidentiality, that is encompassed in the standard that states the nurse promotes, advocates for, and strives to protect the health, safety , and rights of the patient (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2001, p. 12). Trust and well-being of the patient are key in the area of confidentiality; keeping in mind, that when working within a multi-disciplinary team, the nurse must only share relevant information on a need to know bases. As an example, the emergency room nurses cousin was admitted to the emergency room during the shift at the hospital. He is in critical condition. The nurses mother is very concerned about him, but she has not been able to reach the nurses aunt and uncle. The nurse is aware of the cousins condition. With the standards and ethics does she tell her mom? No, this is probably the hardest of situations, but the nurse must not tell. She must not even let on that she has any information. Instead, encourage her mother to keep calling your aunt. The nurse might even see if her aunt is at the hospital and arrange for her to call mom. Even doctors can only release information to the immediate family-in this case, the cousins parents. It is up to the aunt and uncle to inform the rest of the family. That way, they can determine how much information family members should have. Maintaining confidentiality is an important aspect of professional behavior. It is essential that a nurse safeguard the patients right to privacy by carefully protecting information of a sensitive, private nature. Sharing personal information or gossiping about others violates nursing ethical codes and practice standards. It sends a message that the nurse cannot be trusted and damages interpersonal relationships. Informed consent Nurses are obligated to tell all patients, regardless of whether or not they are capable or incapable of giving consent, about the care or treatments before it is given. Nurses are obligated to assist patients understand the nature of their health problems and assist them to receive the information and support they need to make informed decisions. A key principle studied in chapter two, Principles of Autonomy and Informed Consent, that all medical care requires the consent of the patient (or someone who is authorized to consent for the patient) before the care plan is carried out. An assumption is made that informed consent recognizes that a patient needs to know about a procedure, surgery, or treatment, before they decide to have it. Standard 14.Resource Utilization in the ANA Scope and Standards of Practice explicitly denotes that nurses should assists the patient and family in becoming informed consumers about options, costs, risks, and benefits of treatment and care. Informed con sent may have a multitude of legal ramifications, but its core and most controversial function lies in the idea of patients actually participating in medical decision making. It may be at this point that the physician (or autonomist) and the nurse most tend to butt heads. Fortunately for nurses there is Ethics Code 1.4. The concept of informed consent is fundamental to the delivery of health care. The nurses responsibility is vital in ensuring that patients are fully informed and understand their options; each nurse has an obligation to be knowledgeable about the moral and legal rights of all patients to self-determination (ANA, 2001, p. 8). Informed consent is more than just signing a paper, is specific patient right. An example case of a patient with angina who was considered for a coronary bypass surgery demonstrates the issue of informed consent. Ethical and legal aspects of achieving consent must be considered. Physicians may have personal biases, which may lead to coerced consent, or may overwhelm the patient with information on potential complications of a proposed procedure. Patient preconceived notion or misinformation may lead to misunderstood consent. The patients request to put back the decision to the physician raises the question of whether such requested paternalism violates patient self-determination and invalidates consent or is it an exercise of the patients right to have his physician decides (Garrett et al., 2010, p. 32)? Quality and safety Providing basic nursing care for the individual patient is an important nursing value supported by professional mandates and by codes of nursing ethics. Referring again to Standard 14.Resouce Utilization that states, the registered nurse considers factors related to safety, effectiveness, cost, and impact on practice in the planning and delivery of nursing services (ANA, 2004, p. 42). It is easy to tie the concept directly from the ANA standards of performance to the nursing code of ethics 8 that states the nursing profession is committed to promoting health, welfare, and safety of all people (ANA, 2001, p. 23). In reading from chapter six, there was discussion that quality care can be achieved by high tech equipment, credentialing, licensing, skill, knowledge, and protocols; however, a key point in judging quality stated professions lead the effort to enhance and protect quality in the professions (Garrett et al., 2010, p. 134). If employment conditions, agency regulations, or hospi tal policies create undesirable working conditions that limit the quality of nursing care that can be provided, nurses become concerned. Since nurses value quality of patient care, they also value those conditions that allow quality patient care. When nurses attempt to balance the value of quality of patient care with issues involving their quality of life the action of a possible strike may come into question. While the nurses value being able to guarantee high quality care they may realize in the short term many patients may not receive the highest of quality care while a strike is in effect. When putting ethical decisions first, nurses should work through their professional organizations and promote positive mechanisms for negotiations with employers. If nurses can gain responsibility for, and control over, the quality of care delivered, they will have gained great benefit for the health of the community. Conclusion If not nurses, who will advocate for the chronically ill (both young and old), the under and uninsured, and the most vulnerable with complex health needs? Who will question the rightness or wrongness of aggressive care, technological advancements, and determinations of quality of life? Who will address patient concerns related to informed consent, surrogate decision-making, and the risks and benefits of treatment or research? And who will challenge ineffective or inefficient nursing, physician, and administrative leadership standards and styles that underestimate the significance of ethical problems on patient outcomes and nurse productivity and retention? These philosophical questions are at the core of our deeply held values and beliefs about who we are as a discipline. Without adequate ethical knowledge and competence; however, it is difficult to bring together nursing on central ethical concepts in the provision of nursing care. The nurse, as a patient advocate presents difficult challenges; however, the key principles of ethics will allow all nurses to persevere in understanding the scope and limits of their professional responsibilities.
stats Essay -- essays research papers
INTRODUCTION There are two distinct variables that will be analyzed in this paper. These variables were taken from 20 industries and 140 subindustries in the United States. The first variable to be studied is the Industry group. The industry group variable consists of numbers from 1 to 20 to denote the industry group to which the particular sub industry belongs. The second variable to be studied is the Number of Production Workers. Along with the Number of Production workers, the number of employees are in units of 1000.Through this paper, Statistical analyses such as methodology, tables, figures, formulas, and results will be presented. In summarizing these variables, descriptive measures and graphics will be used. METHODOLOGY Along with data from the 3rd edition of Business Statistics by Ken Black(2001) on page 11, supplementary data found on the CD-ROM enclosed was also used in this study. Frequency Distribution The raw data, on the industry group, from the financial database was organized into grouped data or a frequency distribution. Class intervals were made and the data was distributed according to what class interval it was in. After the frequency distribution was created a histogram, created in Microsoft Excel, was used to display the data graphically. A pie chart was also used to show the percentage of the different industry groups. ABSTRACT A financial database, gathered from Moody’s Handbook of Common Stocks was contained on a compact disc in the Black (2001). ...
Monday, August 19, 2019
Essay --
Sigmund Freud, probably the most famous psychologist and most controversial of the twentieth century, has helped shaped how we consider our views of the world. His theories bring forth a new kind of thinking to the psychology world and show why we think them. It’s a way many don’t think but may put forth the reasoning to it. There are many though that think Freud was just another crazy psychologist that was on drugs. Though his many proofs behind his major theories such as: the conscious and unconscious mind, the Id, Ego, and Superego, psychosexual theory, and others as well, can prove why it wasn’t just a drug trip Freud was on. The mind is divided up into three sections according to Freud. It consists of the conscious, preconscious, and the unconscious mind. In Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the conscious mind consists of everything inside of our awareness. (Psychology) This part of the mind is known for keeping hold of our senses, memories and perception in our awareness. This part of our mind can tie into our preconscious mind as well, through the things we aren’t aware of though when thought about its presence is in our conscious mind now. The preconscious mind is the part of the mind that represents ordinary memory. (Psychology) We can remember this stuff and always pull it back into our conscious mind whenever needed. This makes much sense towards Freud’s thinking bringing forth a tie between the conscious mind and preconscious, showing how we can do things in our conscious mind and be stored in our preconscious for later use. The third part of our mind is the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of our conscious awareness. (P... of a person's life and the individual develops a strong sexual interest in the opposite sex. (Psychology) This stage represents how an individual is most interested in one’s pleasure seeking thoughts such as relationships and or sexual thoughts. This can compromise how we humans think and how we react to many things. It all does seem like this information doesn’t make sense though it all seems to tie in to each other. All these theories tie into each other and have some proof behind each one. It all seems reasonable when too many and is always used as a reference in the psychology world. There are many critics towards Freud’s work due to the time period he was living in and how much it influenced his thinking. Others put forth how the drugs he was on may have caused to him to think all these theories though with the proof behind some of them it can go either way.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
William Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- William Shakespeare Hamlet Essay
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Hamlet has been praised and revered for centuries as one of William Shakespeare's best known and most popular tragedies. Based on its popularity, critics alike have taken various viewpoints and theories in order to explain Hamlet's actions throughout the play. The psychoanalytic point of view is one of the most famous positions taken on Hamlet.           Psychoanalytic criticism is a type of literary criticism that analyzes and classifies many of the forms of psychoanalysis in the interpretation of literature. As the Concise Oxford Dictionary defines psychoanalysis, as a form of therapy that is concluced ‘by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the mind' (Barry 96). One of the most popularized psychoanalysts of all time was Sigmund Freud. His theories on repression most directly parallel to Hamlet's actions in the play. This theory states that "much of what lies in the unconscious mind has been put there by consciousness, which acts as a censor, driving underground unconscious or conscious thoughts or instincts that it deems unacceptable. Censored materials often involve infantile sexual desires" (Murfin ). These unconscious desires are seen in dreams, in language, in creative activity, and in neurotic behavior (Murfin ).      This theory of repression also is directly correlated to Freud's Oedipus complex. The Oedipus complex deals with Infantile sexuality as well, by explaining that sexuality starts at infancy with the relationship of the infant with the mother, not at puberty. The Oedipus complex assesses that the infant has the desire to discard the father and become the sexual companion of the mother (Barry 97).      In analyzing Hamlet, the Oedipus Complex is clearly apparent to the reader. As a child, Hamlet always expressed the warmest fondness and affection for his mother. This adoration contained elements of disguised erotic quality, especially seen in the bed chamber scene with his mother. The Queen's sensual nature and her passionate fondness of her son are two traits that show her relationship with Hamlet goes beyond the normal mother-sun relationship. Nonetheless though, Hamlet finds a love interest in Ophelia. His feelings for Ophelia are never discussed fully in the play, but it is evident to the reader that at one time he loved her because of the hurt he feels whe... ... of looking at Hamlet's actions. Freud and other theorists were able to take the play and analyze it scene by scene, giving a more in-depth meaning to the actions of the characters. In a sense, Shakespeare wrote two plays in one; one play dealing with a tragedy, leaving the stage with many corpses; the other standing the test of time, in a captivating exploration into an unconscious world of the unknown.     Works Cited      Adelman, Janet. "Man and Wife is One Flesh:" Hamlet and the Confrontation with the Maternal Body. Hamlet. Ed. Susanne L. Wofford. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1994. Barry, Peter. Beginning Theory. New York: Manchester University Press. 1995.           Jones, Ernest. "Ernest Jones: Hamlet and Oedipus." N. pag. Online. Worldwide web. 21 May 2000. Available at:           Murfin, Ross C. "Psychoanalytic Criticism in Hamlet." Hamlet. Ed. Susanne L. Wofford. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1994.           Shakespear, William. Hamlet. Ed. Susanne L. Wofford. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1994.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Moral Virtue Aquired
How is moral virtue acquired? Alex Koglman Aristotle believes ethics is about moral virtue over intellectual virtue. Moral virtue comes about as a result of habits of human excellence. So in that case nothing that exists by nature can form a habit. For example, when a bunny is born it does not learn to hop it is born to hop. With that being said us humans should try and develop good habits from the beginning of life. By developing good habits this will help you do the right thing without having to think hard about what the outcome is going to be.Good behavior arises from habits which in return can only be acquired by repeating the action and correcting it. First, moral virtues that help construct up a â€Å"happy†human are; justice, wisdom, courage and temperance. Wisdom is a special virtue that is intellectual; however it does guide human choices, while moral virtues are about action. Moral virtues are not acquired by teaching; they are brought on by acting the same way over and over again until it is habitual.So how do people acquire these moral virtues? The best conclusion would be, if a person had parents that acted in this way and were role models of excellence. Otherwise, success only comes from years of practicing, making tough decisions, and learning from your mistakes. Next, how will someone know when they acquire these moral virtues? The persons peers will look up to them and constantly have positive outcomes. People will come to them for help/advice, have 100% faith in them and be a huge role model.In result that person will feel like a million dollars knowing that he/she is in control. Aristotle provides people with both amazing insight and a powerful plan to shape one’s choices and actions in ways that will increase the chance of attaining happiness. By developing the four cardinal virtues, a person can go very far down the path of a whole life, well lived and the rest is up to good fortune. But even if bad luck ruins the chance, a p erson of good character, by possessing the moral virtues, will be far better off than those who don’t.Aristotle concludes that it is not possible to achieve happiness, a whole life well lived, without moral virtue. Moral virtue is a necessity for happiness otherwise people will act out of spite/anger/revenge/unlawful. Acting virtuously, however, is the primary means to becoming virtuous. For, according to Aristotle, â€Å"virtues arise in us neither by nature nor contrary to nature; but by our nature we can receive them and perfect them by habituationâ€
Friday, August 16, 2019
Internship Report on Gfc
Prepared By: Farhan Ahmad Roll No: 0802090-059 Faculty of Management & Administrative Sciences University of Gujrat INTERNSHIP REPORT A six weeks internship report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of the BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION in Accounts from Faculty of Management & Administrative Sciences University of Gujrat by FarhanAhmad Under Roll No: 08020920-059 The Internship report of Mr. Farhan Ahmad is approved: â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Internship Supervisor Letter of Transmittal The Coordinator, Faculty of Management & Administrative Sciences University of Gujrat Subject: Submission of Internship Report Dear Sir, I acknowledge with my cordial thanks the co operation & encouragement you provided and it gives me great pleasure in submitting my report to you. With regard to the opportunities you provided, I tried entirely to figure out something about fan industry and its requisite prospects. During my 6 weeks training session I have gathered & learned a great experience for myself . finally I entirely enjoyed this assembling of term paper with your renowned institution, mortal support & encouragement. I should be glad and ready to co-operation with whatever you may ask for further clarification. Thank you. Yours Sincerely, â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Farhan Ahmad Roll No: 08020920-059 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I dedicate this internship report to all the employees of GFC (Pvt. ) Ltd. Whose kind guidance and help, during my stay in metro, made me to learn a lot about different tasks at professional level. At this moment I also want to give a tribute to my teachers by dedicating this report to Faculty of Management & Administrative Sciences, University of Gujrat. TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Page No. Letter of Transmittal 05 Acknowledgement 06 Executive Summary 07 1. Introduction of Organization08 Brief History08 Company’s Credential 14 Company’s Achievements16 Company’s Certificates 17 Type Of Company 19 Hierarchical Level Of Company_____20 Boards Of Directors_____21 Communication Model 22 2. Company’s Departments__23 2. 1. Purchase Department24 2. 2. Inspection Department26 2. 3. Production Department27 2. 4. Sales and Marketing Department30 2. 5. Research and Development31 2. 6. Internal Audit31 2. 7. Export & Import Department32 2. 8. Accounts Department34 2. 9. Human Resource Management37 2. 10. Field of Activity37 3. Other Learning43 4. Objectives of Studying the Organization 44 5. The Business Principles of GFC 44 6. Suggestions48 7. References51 8. Appendix52 9. Contacts of Internee and Organization 54 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY General Fans Company (Pvt. ) Ltd. Is one of the top most Fan manufacturers in Pakistan which is recognized for best quality and design in Fan Industry. It is a great honor for me that I have completed my six week internship as per degree requirements in HR department of GFC. There are several departments working in GFC which include: †¢Purchases †¢Raw material inspection †¢Production †¢Sales and Marketing †¢Research and Development †¢Accounts Department †¢Human Resources Management †¢Internal Audit †¢Export & Import I was first assigned to the HR department for first four weeks and then rotated to different departments in the last few weeks so that I may understand the workings and collaboration of different departments. It was a very good experience in GFC and I observed every department and its working keenly and gave my suggestions to the top management for the betterment of GFC. INTRODUCTION OF ORGANIZATION 1. 1. Brief History General Fan Company (Pvt. ) Ltd. was formed in 1954 as a small manufacturing unit for electric fans. The company grew rapidly from its modest start because of the quality of its products. The company was one of the major exporters of fans in 1960's to Iraq. However, the company was in trouble in late 1970's due to differences in its partners. The present management took over the company in 1978 and Mechanical Engineer Muhammad Ilyas took over as Chief Executive of the company. Under his dynamic leadership the company grew rapidly and G. F. C became major recognized brand for fans in the Pakistani market. Mr. Muhammad Ilyas, the Chief Executive who is a foreign trained Mechanical Engineer, brought in new technologies for fan manufacturing from developed countries and improved G. F. C products in a continuous process. Automatic Capstan Lathe Machines and Die Casting Machines were introduced in 1982. Automatic Winding Machines were brought from Taiwan in 1985. A Japanese made modern Enameled Wire Manufacturing Plant was installed in 1987 for the manufacturing of quality enameled copper wire for own consumption as well as for the sale in the local market. Plastic Injection Molding Machines were installed in 1993 to manufacture own plastic parts for plastic fans like Exhaust Fans, Bracket Fans, Circumatic Fans and Table Fans. A modern tool room was set up for the manufacture of Dies, Molds and Models etc. The tool room consists of Wire Cut Machines, EDM Machines, Surface Grinders, Cylindrical Grinder, Shaper Machines, CNC Milling Machines and Copy Milling Machines. Automatic Rotor Balancing Machines were introduced in 1995 to further improve the quality of fans. Modern Continuous Stamping Presses were installed in 1997 for manufacture of motors of all type of fans such as Ceiling, Pedestal, Bracket, Exhaust and Circumatic Fans etc. Slitter Machine for slitting the electrical steel sheet coils was installed in 1999. The company started manufacturing Washing Machines in 1996. Due to its quality and excellent finish the product has become an instant success. Gas & Electric Geysers are being manufactured since year 2000. The Chief Executive Mr. Muhammad Ilyas is a pioneer in the export of electric fans from Pakistan. To initiate the export from Pakistan he attended an International exhibition for electrical appliances in 1993 in Abu-Dhabi. The company also participated in many trade delegations as well as exhibitions arranged by Export Promotion Bureau and Federation of Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Bangladesh, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Dubai, Bahrain. Qatar, Sudan, Egypt, U. S. A. etc. G. F. C was the first Pakistani company to export fans to the Middle-East. G. F. C Fans became an instant success due to their quality and durability in all the markets where these were introduced. General Fan Company has also set up a unit to manufacture capacitors used in electric fans, Washing machines and motors. Mr. Muhammad Ilyas (Chief Executive) and Mr. Muhammad Ijaz (Finance Director) are always on the look out for the latest technology for manufacturing of electric fans as well as for corporate management of the company. Now G. F. C has established a new Computer department which keep its Executives update about any inquires. This shows the interest of management not only in manufacturing technology. But they also know the importance of information technology. G. F. C has stepped in this Millennium fully equipped with manufacturing and information technology for Corporate Management and Marketing. G. F. C can rightly claim that they have all the best technologies in its workshops, which are available for Design, Production. Our products are now of International Standard, and we are truly an International Company. Our 800 Employees and Management are committed to Excellence in Quality. G. F. C. was the pioneers in export of fans from Pakistan. G. F. C. has got eight Export Trophy Awards for Fans and other Electrical Products like enameled Copper Wire. 1. 2. Main Competitors: General Fan Company has perfect competition in the market for different products, mainly in fan manufacturing field. The main competitors of G. F. C (General Fan Company) are; ? Pak fan ?Royal fan ?Younis Fan 1. 3. First mover advantage: General Fan Company is currently enjoying the first mover advantage of exports. G. F. C is the only company which starts to export to other countries. That's the reason company has been rewarded export trophy for 08 times. G. F. C being the most popular brand as for the electric fans in Bangladesh most of the fan manufacturers in Bangladesh are using â€Å"G. F. C†trade mark beside the manufacturers of China who are exporting their electric fans to Bangladesh with the same Trade Mark. To stop the manufacturing and selling of fake G. F. C Fans which are registered vide Trade Mark Registration No. 62674 dated 22. 11. 1999 the Chief Executive of the company, Engineer Mohammad Ilyas, visited Bangladesh. 1. 4. Our Core Values: ?Competent ?Committed ?Creative ?Cooperative ?Caring 1. 5. VISION STATEMENT We believe that we have A unique product which has been developed by G. F. C, And no other country manufactures a pedestal fan like ours. This product is most useful in the hot tropical humid climates. We want to mark this product throughout the world, And we foresee this product to dominate the entire International market. We want to set up an excellent after-sales-service, And spare parts supply service to each and every country. We also want to set up home service centers throughout the world. We believe that within 10 years; We can achieve an export target of US Dollars 40 Million. 1. 6 MISSION STATEMENT To produce such quality products, Which provide entire satisfaction to all our customers the world over. 1. 7 QUALITY POLICY STATEMENT Quality policy of G. F. C is to produce such quality products, which provide our customer the entire satisfaction the world over. to meet this obligation, we continually update employees’ skills by introduction of new technologies. 1. 8. COMPANY’S CREDENTIAL General Fan Company (Pvt. ) Ltd. is a pioneer in the export of electric fans from Pakistan. To initiate the export from Pakistan we participated in International exhibition for electrical appliances in 1993 in Abu-Dhabi. The company also participated in many trade delegations as well as exhibitions arranged by Export Promotion Bureau and Federation of Chamber of Commerce & Industry In Bangladesh, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Bahrain. Qatar, Sudan, Egypt, U. S. A. etc. G. F. C. was the first Pakistani company to export fans to the Middle-East. G. F. C. Fans became an instant success due to their quality and durability in all the markets where these were introduced. By the grace of God: ?G. F. C. has been getting the Export Trophy from FPCCI for the export of electric fans for many years. The growth rate of fan export from G. F. C. has been continuously more than 100% per annum for the last 5 years. 1/3rd of the total fans exported from Pakistan. ?G. F. C. has large International orders many times more than the previous years for the financial year 2001-2002 and we are looking forward to export fans to all parts of the world including United States and Europe. ?Water and Power development authority has issued the renewal of Registration in 1997. Registration Renewal is an honorable success that G. F. C. has achieved. ?ISO-9002 Certificate assures that Manufacturing Quality of Electric Fans are according to International Standards. Engineer in Chief Branch has given the certificate of Enlistment/Registration dated: 23-2-2000 on best technical performance. ?Contract agreement for supply of G. F. C. Fans for â€Å"Army Housing Directorate†at 30 April 2001 and is a big achievement for G. F. C. Fans. ?Pakistan Standard Institution has certified according to 1961 ordinance. The institution hereby grants to G. F. C. Fans. (Hereinafter called â€Å"the License†) this License is used as standard mark. 1. 9. COMPANY’S ACHIVEMENTS 1. 10. Company’s Certificates 1. 11. TYPE OF COMPANY General Fan Company (Pvt. ) Ltd. is a partnership company of two brothers. . 12. HIERARCHICAL LEVEL OF COMPANY 1. 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS There are two families of jointly managing the General Fan Company. All boards of directors are family members. 1. 14. COMMUNICATION MODEL There is no well defined model of communication. I observed that following communication model. 2. COMPANY’S DEPARTMENTS To run an organization many departments work in it, so that an organization may achieve its aims and objectives efficiently. To ensure efficient working of G. F. C the departments that are working in it are as: There are 09 departments working in the Organization Purchases ?Raw material inspection ?Production ?Sales and Marketing ?Research and Development ?Accounts Department ?Human Resources Management ?Internal Audit ?Export & Import 2. 1. Purchase Department Purchase department in every manufacturing organization is of most importance. Because this department provides the other departments as production department with their basic needs. This department is also responsible for the quality of the products produced in that organization, as the quality of product depends upon the quality of raw material. In G. F. C raw material is also purchased from outside that's why they are in need of a production department to fulfill the purchase requirements. This department purchases raw material for the production department. It is the responsibility of this department to provide quality material within minimum cost. To achieve this purpose, the production department of G. F. C purchases raw material, in the supervision of two managers i. e. Mr. M. Kamran and Mr. Zia Hussain, from both sources i. e. ?By domestic purchases ?By importing raw material In Domestic Purchasing, G. F. C purchases raw material regarding the manufacturing of, fans, washing machines, room air coolers, etc. and mostly for this purpose markets of good standards are visited. G. F. C purchases raw material locally from Gujranwala, Lahore, Gujrat, etc. In imports, G. F. C mostly imports those materials that are either expensive or of low quality in Pakistan. Importing is done to keep the standard of production high as well as keeping per unit cost at some reasonable point. The material that in included in imports of G. F. C are ?Aluminum Sheets. ?Copper Rods. ?Plastic raw material. ?Mini Motors Chemicals Here is lists of those countries from which mostly imports are done by G. F. C are from: ? China ?Taiwan ?Korea ?United Kingdom ?Japan ?Hong Kong 2. 2. Inspection Department Those organizations that don't compromise on quality keep an inspection department whose work is to inspect the raw material for quality of raw material and its quantity. If any material is of less quality or of that quality that is not acceptable to the organization, this department doesn't give permission to enter such material within the boundaries of organization and material is returned as it is. In G. F. C there is an in charge for the inspection of raw material and it is his responsibility to make sure that the purchase made for organization is for that material which is of best quality. This department restricts the entry of such material that is either of: ? Less quality ?Defective ?From unauthorized dealer ?Not useful This department ensures that material purchased is of: ?Best Quality ?Contains no defect ?From authorized dealer 2. 3. Production Department Production department in any organization is of immense value. Performance, working, profitability, etc. epends upon this department. All the products of organization are manufactured here. It is the department where force of organization either in labor form or in financial form is applied over material to make products for the organization. So that organization may sell those products in the market to get profit. Like other organizations G. F. C is also paying great attention towards Production Department. According to C. E. O of G. F. C, Production and Selling Departments are of more importance to them. This department works under the supervision of Mr. Asim Ijaz who is the Director of production and he has 4 foremen under his authority so that authority is delegated to others in order to make sure that work is going as at should be. Staff in production department is highly skilled although most of them are not too much educated but they are skilled person in whom 20 members of management and 700-800 are labors and these are the true assets of the company In G. F. C production department is divided into further sub departments as: ? Motor Section ?Body Section ?Fitting Section ?Packing Section 2. 3. 1. Motor Section I. In this section of production department motors for various products of G. F. C are produced. In this section motors for ceiling fans, pedestal fans, room air coolers, etc. are manufactured. II. Ceiling fans use a variety of motors i. e. 36†³ 48†³ and 56†³ are used. And this section produces the motors for all. III. In Pedestal fans motors used are entirely different from the motors used in ceiling fans. This section also produces the motors for pedestal fans. IV. Meanwhile room air coolers also use motors in two ways. V. Motors for fans VI. Motors for water pumps. This section produces the motors for all. This section covers sub sections as: a. Winding Section In this section copper wire is made winded, for type of motor that is going to be used in the Production of other products. b. Coil Testing Section In this section coils made in winding section are tested whether they are in working condition or not. Only approved coils are sent to motor section. 2. 3. 2. Body Section: In this section of production department bodies of various products are manufactured. No matter whether the body is made of plastic or it is made of metal. In this section, bodies of fans, washing machines, coolers, heaters, and other products are manufactured. This section is comprised of the following: Blade section ?Plastic Molding Section ?CNG milling section ?Copper Wire Section i. Blade Section: In this section blades for different kinds of fans are produced. Fan blades, blades for air coolers, etc. are produced here keeping in mind that blades should be good looking and efficient in working. ii. Plastic Molding Section: In this section production department plastic is molded in various shapes to make bodies of fans in plastic those parts of ceiling fans that are of plastic. In short this section makes all the plastic parts of products. iii. Copper Wire Section: This section makes the copper wire for own use and also as a product of G. F. C to be sold in market and for using in its own production process e. g. in making motors. iv. Fitting Section: This section is responsible for the assembling of different parts that make up a product. In this section rotor and stator are combined to make up a complete motor. Similarly in blade section blades are assembled with their connecters. In this department other things like pedestal fans are assembled. This section makes the product in final shape to be packed and sell. v. Packing Section: In this section products are packed to be delivered to selling and marketing department to sell them in the market to have income. This department provides the facility of safe packing and making the products in attractive packing to catch more and more customers. 2. 4. Sales and Marketing Marketing and selling department is very important for every company either is multinational company or domestic company. This department is a link between organization and customers. It s the responsibility of this department to make the customers aware about the products produced in the organization. On the other hand this department is also responsible to sale the products that are manufactured in the market. There is only one Director of marketing i. . Mr. Nabeel Ahmad Ilyas, son of C. E. O Mr. Muhammad Ilyas, and one manager in sales department is Mr. Abdul Rehman. Marketing department is responsible to provide the goods in the market according to the need of the customers. Focus the marketing department is to providing products at proper place at proper time. Staff of this department is highly qualified and skilled. This department concentrates on qualified staff who analyze the market and suggest the manager how and where they should to present it. In the off-season, G. F. C also sells its products in large quantity by offering the special discount. They give special discount on buying their products. According to a survey made by G. F. C only 40% fans in the market are from recognized and registered firms remaining 60% are private and unregistered firms. Their product's sale in KARACHI is stronger and their market share is 18% out of 40%. 2. 5. Research and Development Research and development (R) department in any organization can lead the organization away from others because this department makes a research in the market regarding future trends, expected changes that are going to be in customer's taste and demand. It also suggests to the organization what was the response of previous version of product and what is to be innovated. In G. F. C R&D is not working in the form of a well arranged and not in a proper form of a department. Few employees Mr. Engineer Shehbaz as the manager of this so-called department do this work of R&D department. He is alone responsible for the research work. 2. 6. Internal Audit Internal Auditing is done to check the working of Accounts Department. Mostly it is done to prevent the errors in cash matters of the organization either intentional or unintentional. G. F. C has also its internal Account Department that works in the supervision of Mr. Malik Tafheem has taken the responsibility of internal Auditor. The work of this department is to show actual position of accounts that should be error free. As chances of fraud and misappropriation prevail in every organization so this is the responsibility of this department to fail all the tries that are made in this regard. Note: External Audit is done by the â€Å"M. A Chaudhary. †2. 7. Export & Import Department This department is revenue generator for the organization and it ensures that organization is gaining in the market. This department is accountable for the delivery of products to the markets where the organization wants to compete and capture market by satisfying customers with their quality The strength of G. F. C fans depends on this department. Department has been comprised on highly skilled and experienced people, they perform their duties and boost the exports with in well-established structure. The manager of this department is MR. Shahid Ali. This department is responsible for contacting with foreign raw material suppliers, search for the new suppliers when needed, import all the raw material required by production department. When company started its exports, there was no planned procedure. But now after growing the company uses latest technology for the export of products. This department plays an essential role to capture well challenging global market and deal with all import and export contemporary challenges under high responsibilities and company strategy and policy department endeavor to augment the export channels. G. F. C fans company first time export their products in AMERICA. Export is a major part that distinguishes it to the other companies. Export countries of GFC fans are, ?SAUDI ARABIA ?YUMAN ?AFGHANISTAN INDONASISA ?DUBAI ?UNITED KINGDOM ?UNITED STATE OF AMERICA 2. 8. ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT Accounts Department in any Organization is important because of its working. This department shows the progress of organization and allocates the amount to purchase department for purchases. It also pays the rewards to other factors of production in the form of rent, wages, salaries, interest on loans, e lectricity bills, payments to suppliers, managing company accounts etc. In G. F. C accounts department works under the responsibility of Mr. Shahid-Ur-Rehman who is the General Manager of the organization. This department is liable to allocate amount approved by C. E. O to various department on their need. This department also decides about the suitable method of paying wages to labors. In G. F. C accounts department has set the method of wages to production labor as PIECE RATE SYSTEM. This department prepares annual reports of the organization in the month of September every year because September is the closing month of annual year in G. F. C. This department is also held responsible for the distribution of annual bonuses and relieves to the workers that C. E. O declares to them. 2. 8. 1. SOURCES OF RECEIPTS: Recovery from sales through show room ?Sales proceeds of left over raw material ?Export fans 2. 8. 2. PAYMENTS: ?Wages ?Staff Salaries ?Utilities expenses ?Govt. Dues 2. 8. 3. GOVT. PAYMENTS: ?Custom Dues ?Sales tax ?Electricity, Sui gases and telephones expenses 2. 8. 4. PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS: ?The suppliers are paid on credit/cash basis ?Venders are paid on cash basis ?Foreign suppliers are paid up to a limited level 2. 8. 5. Functions & Operations of Accounts department; Double entry accounting system is used in G. F. C. Following are the main duties performed by the Accounts department: ? Voucher preparation Coding & Posting of Vouchers ?Prepare a statement of daily receiving & payments ?Preparation of Financial statements ?Cash disbursement ?Monthly Trial balance preparation ?Ending adjustments ?Monthly Cash flow projection ?Bank Reconciliation Statements ?Sales Invoices ?Sales Tax Invoices ?Report to FBR Account department also performs following functions: ?Comparison of cash flow, Budgeted Vs actual ?Capital investment ?Fixed assets schedule report ?Comparison over heads report budgeted Vs actual ?Fixed overheads ?Variable overheads ?Preparation of production statement ?Preparation of Stock statement Month wise production and its sales value ?Wages and salaries statement ?Preparation of report on working Capital ?Receivables ?Raw material including stocks on way ?Finished goods stocks ?Advances and prepayments ?Cash/Bank balance on hand 2. 9. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 2. 9. 1. HUMAN RESOURCE AND SUCCESSION PLAN Human Resource Policy is to hire young, fresh, energetic and active associates to meet the existing and future workforce requirements and providing its associates maximum opportunities for internal mobility through personal training and development to enable them to take higher positions. Human Resource Division has to have succession plan for each key job/area to make sure the continuity of operations in the relevant division and to fill the temporary/permanent vacancy. 2. 9. 2. FIELD OF ACTIVITIES My field of Specialization is M. B. A (HR), so I work 6 weeks under the supervision of General Manager in General Fan Company, 5 weeks in Human Resource Department, and 3 weeks in observing other departments. General Manager is responsible of handling all company records, and HR related activities. The G. M of G. F. C is very hardworking and very honest person. I prepared the whole company report in my internship period, in which I discuses all the departments and their functions. Most of my internship time was spent in HR department, now I will discuses the all functions and operations of HR department, their critical analysis and recommendations. Human Resource Department is actively working in G. F. C fans private limited Gujrat. Basic responsibilities of this department are as follows: ? Hiring Employees ?Firing Employees ?Developing Training Plans for Employees ?Maintaining Appraisal Reports ?Maintaining the Records of Employees 2. 9. 2. 1. HIRING EMPLOYEES There is a proper process for hiring an employee in G. F. C fans private limited and this process has several steps which are as follows: ? Need Analysis ?Job Requisition ?Job Advertisement ?Sorting the Applications ?Initial Interview ?Testing ?Second Interview ?Final Assessment ?Orientation ?Training 2. 9. 2. 2 Reference base Hiring: In G. F. C Gujrat employees also hire through references of already active employees but test and interviews are conducted for them as well. 2. 9. 2. 3. FIRING EMPLOYEES: If an employee does not work according to defined rules then it is responsibility of HR Manager that employee should be fired. If any employee commits any unauthorized work during his job then he will be fired. If any employee is not working up to the mark and not achieving his targets then HR Manager can fire him. 2. 9. 2. 4. Recruitment and Selection Process In GFC the recruitment and selection is made mostly on employee referrals and sometimes if needed advertisement is made on the newspapers for the filling of vacancies. The recruitment and selection process of metro includes the following steps: CV with professional reference Evaluation of application and CV Call for Interview Temporary job letter after success of interview Clearance certificate from previous organization Medical certificate Completion of trial period Issuance of permanent or contract job letter 2. 9. 2. 5. JOB DESCRIPTION Job is described at the time of interview and a complete job description is made on the permanent job letter of the employee. A job description form has been developed for the job description of every employee. 2. 9. 2. 6. DEVELOPING TRAINING PLANS FOR EMPLOYEES: HR Manager is also responsible for developing training plans for employees (workers & staff) and Internees. I. Identification of Training Needs: The training needs of employees (staff & workers) are identified by the function that they perform and by the respective departmental head. For a new employee the training needs are identified in the job descriptions. For existing employees (in case of workers) the training needs are identified in the â€Å"Training Needs Assessment Form†. The relevant departmental head fills the Training Needs Assessment Form. For staff members the training needs are assessed on ACR that is filled by the relevant departmental head at the end of every financial year. Training needs are identified in G. F. C fans private limited. Gujrat to enable employees to execute routine task and to enhance their professional capabilities, enable all persons to reach their full potential, to introduce new techniques and skills in a timely manner and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the company’s activities. The qualification and experience required for persons performing tasks affecting quality are documented in the job descriptions. II. Training: Based on the TNA (Training Need Assessment) for the workers HR Manager develops an annual training plan. This training plan is then forwarded to the respective departmental head along with the training attendance sheets. The designated trainers conduct training on the dates mentioned in the plan. The TNA (Training Need Assessment) for the staff members is conducted by the respective Departmental Heads on their ACR (Annual Confidential Report). The General Manager is responsible for developing Annual Training Plan (for executives) based on the recommendation of the departmental heads, as desired by the departmental head or management time to time. For a new employee who has been hired at the staff level the HR Manager and relevant head of department develop an orientation plan. After the orientation phase is over the employee submits a written report. Based on this report, the departmental head gives his recommendation that the employee needs further training or not. If further training is required a further orientation plan is developed and subsequently the training is provided. III. Evaluation of training: Departmental heads monitor the training assigned by the trainers. After proper testing and getting the recommendations of the trainer about the trainees, the departmental heads does the evaluation of the training imparted. Assessment of effectiveness of training of employees (staff members) is done on their Annual Confidential Reports. Assessment of effectiveness of training imparted to (non-executives and workers) is done on the Training Plan. IV. Training records: Training record is maintained in the HR Department. The HR Manager is responsible for up-dating the training records of the employees. These training records are maintained in the respective files till the retirement or transfer of that particular employee. All executives and staff are made aware of the departmental quality objectives and role of their activities and their contribution in the achievement of objectives. 2. 9. 2. 7. MAINTAINING APPRAISAL REPORTS: Appraisal Report is assessment of employees which is done by head of department. At the end of the year head of departments make the Appraisal Reports for each employee (Staff only) working in their department. These appraisal reports then forward to HR Manager who further manage these reports according to the remarks which are given by the head of department about the employee. According to the remarks record of employees are upgraded. Appraisal decides the percentage of increment in pay of employees or for promotion. Report also decides whether employees need any further training or not. . 9. 2. 8. MAINTAINING THE RECORDS OF EMPLOYEES: Managing the record of employees is also responsibility of HR Department. When the employee is hired all of his data and documents are stored in a file and this file is stored. Employee’s data is also stored in computer by assigning him with a computer code. Now with the passage of time all new documents including training certificates and app raisal reports are updated into the files of employees. Any employee’s file has the same number which is computer code of employee. 2. 9. 2. 9. ATTENDANCE SYSTEM Attendance is made on daily basis at the main gate with entry and exit time transferred to the HR department. Overtime attendance is taken by the supervisors of the concerning department and conveyed to the HR department for the overtime wages etc. 2. 9. 2. 10. JOB ANALYSIS Job analysis of every employee is made by the HR department with the help of departmental managers and employee performance according to their job description. 2. 9. 2. 11. COMPENSATION AND REWARD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM On the basis of the job analysis annual increments and promotions are given to the employees twice a year. For outstanding employees special pay packages are offered and rewards and given in different ways to the employees for their motivation. 2. 9. 2. 12. LEADERSHIP STYLES In Metro I observed two types of leadership styles that are: Autocratic leadership and Democratic leadership. Autocratic style of leadership is observed in functional managers while democratic style of leadership is observed in middle and corporate level managers. 2. 9. 2. 12. HEALTH AND SAFETY ISSUES A proper system of health and safety is established at metro by providing the workers with safety devices, trainings, and by providing proper uniforms. Metro Hi-Tec provides medical and safety services to its employees in different ways. 3. OTHER WORKS CAUSED TO EXPERTISE ME DURING INTERNSHIP Apart from the before mentioned tasks . I worked on certain other assignments in GFC as well as got to learn certain other works such as. †¢I learnt the exact way of punching the documents. Because this to the first thing that one who gets to learn while in an office as instead of abruptly punching it one should first fold it and than keeping in line with the middle of page one should punch. †¢I learnt how the documents are filled and used to do a lot of filing. I went through typing certain application and letters. †¢I worked how data is feed in the computers. †¢I learnt how the phones are attended. †¢I used to go to banks for obtaining the statements for settlement of accounts. †¢I passed daily entries in the Journal and ledger accounts. †¢Documents relating to taxation purposes were also filled by me 4. OBJ ECTIVES OF STUDYING THE ORGANIZATION a)To promote efficiency and effectiveness by providing competent and high-caliber professionals in the area of Management Accountancy. b)Identify the duties of the financial manager within the firm. )Understand why wealth maximization, rather than profit maximization, is the firm's goal and how economic value added (EVA), d)To analysis what plays the role of Banks with the Firm. e)To estimate a firm's profitability relative to its sales, asset investment, & owners ‘equity investment. f)In fact, we have studied in GFC Private Limited Company because it is committed to these following Business Principles. 5. THE BUSINESS PRINCIPLES OF GFC A. Corporate Philosophy Maintaining a global viewpoint, GFC is dedicated to supplying products of the highest quality yet at a reasonable price for worldwide customer satisfaction. )Dynamic manufacturing and marketing of prestigious products to the entire satisfaction of customers. b)Create ideal working env ironment for continuous development of product and personnel. c)Provide adequate return to share holders and fulfill corporate civic obligations. B. Management Policy a)Proceed always with ambition and youthfulness. b)Respect sound theory, develop fresh ideas, and make the most effective use of time. c)Enjoy your work and encourage open communications. d)Strive constantly for a harmonious flow of work. e)Be ever mindful of the value of research and endeavor. )Respect for all – man has priority over others. g)Man is the key in controlling i. e. machines, methods and materials. h)Follow 3S spirit i. e. small, smart and speed. i)Believe in 3A â€Å"GFC on Approach†i. e. be on Actual Spot, look at the Actual Spot and confront the Actual Situation. j)Be a good corporate citizen; assume a responsible role in community. C. Priority Standards Of Conduct a)Safety: There can be no production without safety. b)Quality: To achieve the No. 1 customer satisfaction, Metro is dedicat ed to supply the prestigious products of its highest quality, through our smart team work. )Productivity: With safety and quality each of it will strive to excel the performance in all fields of its activities i. e. Production, Marketing & Planning, After Sales Service, Finance, Logistics & Imports and Human Resource & Administration etc. D. Quality policy To achieve the No. 1 customer satisfaction, GFC is dedicated to supplying the prestigious products of its highest quality through its smart team work defined by the regulatory parameters & continually improving its strategies and goals for better performance. E. Environment policy GFC (Pvt. Ltd Gujrat (Pakistan), being responsible member of the society considers the preservation of the global environment as a crucial concern. GFC’s environmental philosophy is firmly based on the following guidelines: a)Recognize the impacts of the significant aspects on the environment resulting from activities, products and services; b)For mulate objectives and targets to control the effects of activities on local environment as for as technically feasible; c)Operate in compliance with relevant environmental laws, regulations and other requirements that apply to its activities; d)Create environment friendly attitude among associates; )Commitment to continual improvement of the environmental performance and review of the environmental management system to ensure its suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. F. Safety, Health and Environment GFC (Pvt. ) Ltd Gujrat (Pakistan) conducts its business responsibly and in a way to make sure Health, Safety and protection from Environmental aspects of its associates and the society. GFC implements and maintains the programs that provide reasonable assurance that the business will do the following: a)To comply with all applicable government and internal health, safety and environmental requirements. )Design facilities and conduct operations in a way that avoids risk to human healt h, safety and the environment. c)To examine and communicate the known hazards of operations with relevant health, safety and environmental protection information to potentially affected persons. G. Operating principles a)Always keep the deadline. b)Never make excuses. c)Teamwork. 6. SUGGESTIONS During the training I have observed number of problems and here are some suggestions of my observations. G. F. C management has strong capability to increase the production rate by reducing the cost of production. It can be achieved by investing more in time span; research studies and reengineering related department structure. Concluding points: ?In accounts department there is no well define job description. There must be a list of duty for each employee. ?There is no management in working environment. They should adopt a management functions in their department. ?Human Resource and Accounts department should hire at least two employees more. ?In HR department, there must racks for files. ?Vision Statement is to long, it must be one or two sentences ? G. F. C still emphasizes on production concept ?There is very less monitoring so there is need to be tightening the control by using digital monitoring system in account department. ?Local market of gujrat area can be captured ?G. F. C system is based on Microsoft window 98, so it should be upgraded as in market window xp is available. ?MIS system should be very efficient that manual work can be eliminated. ?R&D department in G. F. C is not very much active so management should have to investigate and invest more to overcome this. Every department should initiate research work that provides technical support to find out hidden facts that are the primary source of irregularities. ?Efficient employees and fresh management team with latest and modern techniques and valuable exposure can figure out managerial problems. ?There is less commitment among the workers. To improve this situation worker’s problems should be addressed properly. ?Top management should be awarded by stocks ( shares) for getting more efficient work and involvement in the organization. ?There must be proper uplifts and reward system for the encouragement of employees. G. F. C has very few targeted markets they have to explore more to enhance their profitability and worth. ?Salary packages are not very much attractive for the employees which should be revised. ?G. F. C is doing well but it should add-up the doing good factor (Society’s benefits). For awareness workshops and seminars should be conducted regularly. ?Appraisal report should be prepared on merit rather than on personal biasness. ?Up to date promotional strategies should be adopted (print and electronic media). ?For selection of price and new consumers need, company should conduct market survey. G. F. C is presently targeting only a small number of markets and there are still a large segment of markets which can be explored. ?More the export the more the profit will be; because of this G. F. C can enjoy a lot more profit than existing. ?G. F. C can easily expand its businesses through external debt because of its already built credibility. ?By the reduction in cost of production G. F. C can enjoy the more profit margins. ?If the employees discipline and control mechanism should properly apply then it will results more involvement and output. By introducing more brands and designs by adequate use of R&D G. F. C can grow more ? G. F. C still adopting production concept. There must be forward thinking ? G. F. C must investment in outside the business. ?Less monitoring or check and balance. There must be check and balance. 7. REFERENCES ?Director marketing (Nabeel Ahmad) ?Director Finance and Purchase (Ijaz Ahmad) ?General Manager Finance (Shahid-ur-Rehman) ?www. gfcfans. com ?www. google. com ?Chief Accountant(Muhammad Imran) ?Accounts Officer (Nasir Khan) ?Assistant Accountant (Mian Abdul Haseeb) . APPENDICES ?Job Description Form Job title: ________________________________________ Summary descriptio n: _____________________________ _______________________________________________ Major tasks and responsibilities: _______________ _____ ___ _______ ______________ ______________________ ___________ ________________ ___________________ Minor functions: _ _______________ ___________ _____ _ ________________ ____ _______ ___________ ______ Supervised by & report to:____________ ______________ _ ________________ ____________ ____________ _____ Supervise:_ _______________ _______________________ Assist with other jobs:_ ________________ ____________ _ ________________ ___________ ________ ____ _____ Qualifications & training: ___ ____________________ ___ _ ________________ ___________ ___________ ______ _ ________________ ___________ ___________ ______ Skill requirements:___________ _________ ___________ _ ________________ ___________ __________ ______ _ ________________ ___________ ____________ ______ Experience: _________ ___________ _______ ___ ______ Personal characteristics required:__ _____ _____________ ________________ ___________ ________ __________ Physical requirements:__________ _______ ____________ Salary range: minimum:_____ ______ maximum:__ ______ Work hours: _____________ _______________ _________ Average hours: ___ _________ ____________ _________ _ Days off per week:_ ________________ ______ _________ Overtime: never: _______seldom: ________ often: _______ Other benefits:_ ________________ ______________ ____ ________________ _______________ _________________ Work environment:_ _______________ ________ ________ _ ________________ ______________ ___________ _____ Safety responsibilities:_ ________ ________ ____ ________ _ ________________ ______________ ______ ________ _ _ ________________ _______________ _____ ________ 9. CONTACTS OF INTERNEE & ORGANIZATION: Internee’s ContactsOrganization’s Contacts Afzaal Ahmad S/O Muhammad InayatGeneral Fan Company, Private Limited Mailing Address: Mailing Address: General Fan Company G. T. Road, Gujrat-Pakistan. Cell :+92-300-5448133Telephone: +92-53-3520301-03 E-mail ID: [email protected] com afzaal. [email protected] com [email protected] com Fax: +92-53-3521427-3515303 Email: [email protected] com
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