Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Dead
As we found in the film The Dead, the primary component of the plot focuses on the association among life and Death, the living and the Dead, and the association between the over a wide span of time. All through the movie, this association is made obvious either straightforwardly through the thinking back of characters, youthful and old, or by outside elements inside the story. One main consideration that hasnt been referenced, is the significance of music all through this film. It interweaves its substance among for all intents and purposes ever significant character, connecting one little story to the following, indicating towards an incredible puzzle to be uncovered toward the finish of the film. As you yourself composed, Prof. Roman, in your article about Joyces composed short story, He built his story as though it were a melodic piece: the notes, the tunes, the stops (spaces) and rhythms developing from his words originating from depiction, discourse, the scholarly associations with the peruser, the fine subtleties of character, item and occurrence.(Roman, Irish Echo, 12/26/87) I would like to give you how from the earliest starting point to end, music exists, out of sight, yet as a reason for character advancement all through the film just as exemplifying the peak of this film by Huston, and story by James Joyce. Three regions of center inside the house, most definitely, are the scenes inside the Parlor (lounge), Dinning Room, and obviously on the Stairs. The main significant association of music with characters exists when the niece of the Morkan Sisters, Mary Jane, is solicited to play a piece from music on the piano. Huston gives us a snappy look at fairly obscure passionate association between Molly Ivers and Gabriel when she gives him a wink. Later on during some moving through discussion we see that they know each other and are at far edges, strategically, with respect to the Irish Question. It turns out to be evident that there possibly at o...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Labor Relations Free Essays
In this paper, associations and work relations will be characterized and their effect on associations will be explained. Likewise, the effect of changes in worker relations techniques, arrangements, and practices on authoritative execution will be inspected. After this, the inquiry â€Å"Are associations still applicable in the U. We will compose a custom article test on Work Relations or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now S.?†will be replied. Besides, the battle, the political race, contract arrangements, complaint dealing with, discretions, work relations, and strikes will be tended to. Trade guilds and work relations Trade guilds, which are the guard dogs and mediators for the American workforce, are a method of altogether dealing with bosses for reasonable working conditions and reasonable wages. The specialty associations or talented workers and modern associations or workers in a similar industry, paying little heed to aptitude are the two kinds of worker's organizations that are sorted out. In the U.S. Gatherings of exceptionally prepared woodworkers, tailors, printers, and weavers in the provincial age, the seed of present day worker's organizations were the societies. Organizations, which are monetary and social in nature, are relationship of people who are engaged with a similar specialty or business. The laborers who individuals from organizations are united together so the quality guidelines would be kept up and the employers’ recruiting of gifted workers from home would be guaranteed. In the mid-nineteenth century, there was an expansion in the quantity of new modern associations which were made for the attestation of workers’ rights. This adjustment in the character of the American workforce was because of the development of the steam motor and other mechanical headways. The Knights of Labor, which initiated the Labor Day occasion in 1882, was one of the most significant modern associations. During the 1890s, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) was shaped. It is made out of the specialty associations which incorporate both talented and untalented workers. The league was framed in light of the fact that its part create associations were against the organization of the Knights of Labor’s enrollment. The United Mine Workers and the Danburry Hatters case in 1902 were ones of the early clashes and strikes remembered for this period. During the 1930s, when the Great Depression occurred, the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) was shaped. A significant number of the individuals from CIO were the dissenters of the AFL who favors modern unionism. Laborers in the steel, elastic, auto, sea, glass, and meat pressing ventures were a portion of the significant constituents of the CIO. Notwithstanding the contentions during the 30s and 40s, an amazing body known as the AFL-CIO was framed from the converging of the two national associations in 1955. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is an autonomous organization of the U.S. government. It was made under the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 or the Wagner Act and was changed by the demonstrations of 1947 or the Taft-Harley Labor Act and 1949 or the Landrum-Griffin Act. The board confirmed the privileges of the work to sort out and deal on the whole through delegates they picked or to abstain from such exercises. The board which is made out of five individuals is helped by 33 provincial chiefs. The individuals are designated by the U.S. President with the endorsement of the Senate for five-year terms. The best possible dealing units are resolved, the decisions for association portrayal are led, and the charges of uncalled for work rehearses by bosses are explored by the board. Pressure, obstruction, or restriction in labor’s self-authoritative rights is remembered for the out of line rehearses (Villanueva Siasoco). An exploration study uncovered that the coordinated effort of an association, (for example, network associations) and a worker's guild is a catalyst for change. For instance, the worker's organizations and network associations in Greater Boston, which have cooperated as of late, have accomplished amazing triumphs. A portion of their triumphs incorporate the death of a Boston living compensation statute, an expansion in the lowest pay permitted by law in Massachusetts, improvement in association contracts and in working environment conditions, an earned personal assessment credit on state annual charges, $6 million state work preparing program for 1, 500 specialists, and various dynamic duty arrangements which remembers another expense for capital increases. These noteworthy accomplishments in Boston are resounded all through the nation. This is showed by the constant development of coalitions by network associations with the sorted out work. Once more, these coalitions are shaped to handle issues that influence the lives of the low-wage laborers. The Service Employees International Union, which is known for its fruitful Justice for Janitors battles, is one of the associations that compose low-wage laborers. The Hotel Employees and Restaurant Union is additionally a low compensation laborers association. These associations are remembered for the most dynamic and quickest developing associations in the nation. The joint effort of worker's organizations and network associations is truly required for the accomplishment of long haul objectives of monetary and social equity. The requirement for the coordinated effort is being increased by the adjustments in the national economy in the course of the most recent couple of decades. One the progressions that powers for a joint effort of worker's organizations and network associations is the moving of the economy from more lucrative assembling employments to bring down paying occupations in the administration area. Likewise, the open arrangement endeavors for the advancement of the government assistance of working families when all is said in done are being expanded by the work development. The national AFL-CIO, under the new administration since 1995, has given expanded assets to advocate approaches. These approaches incorporate the general social insurance inclusion which is expected to profit all American who are working (not just the individuals who are individuals from associations) and the raising of the government the lowest pay permitted by law. One of the effects of worker's guilds in strategies is the declaration of help of absolution for undocumented migrants by the AFL-CIO in February, 2000. Moreover, the AFl-CIO likewise assumed a significant job in arranging, arranging, and supporting the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride of 2003. This ride is an across the country exertion which means to raise the perceivability of the issues of the foreigner laborers (Ranghelli 4). Then again, the effect of changes on representatives is the abatement in the acquisition of work by bosses in light of the higher wages won by associations. The accomplishment in stating for higher wages and better working conditions additionally diminished the quantity of employments accessible (Reynolds). Are associations still important in the U.S.? The inquiry â€Å"Are associations still applicable in the U.S.?†doesn't require any longer time to consider. Associations are completely pertinent in the U.S. Thinking about the monetary circumstance today, wherein the pattern is to move from more lucrative occupations to bring down paying occupations, to utilize a larger number of machines than work power, and to utilize contractualization, the abuse of the work area turns out to be progressively extraordinary. In this manner, associations assume an essential job in accomplishing monetary and social equity. Considering the conclusions raised by Reynolds, it is shallow to state that the trade guilds are the anticompetitive power in the work markets. It is extremely unfeeling to consider laborers basically inputs that are should have been bought all together for a procedure, for example, creation or assembling to appear. It is in this reasoning where the misuse of the laborers’ rights emerges. As to and races, association officials are chosen dependent on the guidelines built up by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (LMRDA). Officials in the nearby associations are chosen through mystery balloting. Then again, officials of the national and global associations are chosen either by mystery balloting of the individuals or by delegates who are picked by the mystery polling form. The appointment of the officials of the national and universal associations is held no less than at regular intervals. For the middle of the road bodies, the appointment of officials is held something like clockwork and for the nearby associations, appointment of officials is held somewhere around at regular intervals. The assets of an association might be utilized in leading a political decision. Additionally, it is a possibility for the businesses and associations to utilize their assets in advancing the appointment of any up-and-comer ( elections.htm). Aggregate bartering alludes to the exchanges between a business and a gathering of workers. Dealings are done with the goal that the states of business would be resolved. The aftereffect of the methods of the aggregate bartering is called aggregate understanding. Association or other work associations speak to the representatives in bartering. Government and state legal laws, legal choices, and regulatory office guidelines oversee aggregate haggling. Discretion alludes to the technique for question goals. This strategy is utilized as an option in contrast to case. Discretion is normally used to determine debates among managers and representatives during an aggregate dealing ( For the most part, strike is the final hotel taken by laborers in tending to their complaints. Holding mass pickets is the best method to include all strikers. Despite the fact that strikes may mean decline in wages or excusal from work, accomplishment in such solidarity activities is successfully accomplished through picketing the working environments of the laborers ( for making strike-move). The previously mentioned ideas bolster the appropriate response that associations are as yet significant in the U.S. For instance, the assets of associations are imperative during a political decision on the grounds that might be utilized to advance the office of a specific applicant who, when chosen, must address the worries of the laborers as well as the families in genera
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
All about the International Fellows Program COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
All about the International Fellows Program COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog I first applied to the International Fellows Program when I applied to SIPA, but was not accepted. I tried again for my second year, and the second time was definitely a lucky charm. What It Is: The IFP is a unique academic experience â€" it is a year-long seminar, but more broadly, it is a course of graduate study that combines profound understanding of international affairs with practical preparation for a career in this field. It is open to all graduate students across Columbia University (so you are competing for admission not only within SIPA), so participants benefit from a variety of perspectives and professional and academic backgrounds. Academically, it is focused on examining and understanding the role of the U.S. in the world, from its creation as a country to present-day, as well as the changing international environment. Professionally, it involves site visits to important institutions and organizations in New York and Washington D.C., and meetings with policy-makers, elected officials, journalists, diplomats and legislators. How to Apply (including tips): Applicants from SIPA must submit a résumé or CV, a transcript, and a statement of interest (no longer than one page). Students applying to SIPA may submit an IFP statement of interest as part of their application for admission to SIPA. The résumé and transcript(s) submitted to the Office of Admissions will be used in consideration for the International Fellows Program. Applications are evaluated on the basis of academic records, professional promise, recommendations from previous instructors, and an applicant’s demonstrated and estimated ability to emerge as a leader of his or her chosen field and in the field of international affairs. Tips: What the program is especially looking for is your unique contribution. Be sure to address this in your application â€" What sets you apart? What makes your experience special? What unique view/perspective will you bring to this program in general, and to weekly discussions in particular? How will your peers benefit from your presence in the seminar? If you are not accepted as a first-year student, don’t get discouraged. I was told by friends that one has a better chance of being admitted as a second-year year, so definitely re-apply. (Im proof of that concept!) If you are an MIA student, your core class will be Conceptual Foundations, which is taught by Professor Stephen Sestanovich, who heads the IFP. A stellar performance in that class might get you brownie points in your application to the IFP. I got an A in Conceptual Foundations, for example, and I made sure to mention it in my application. I don’t know if it mattered, but it definitely can’t hurt! The more ways you can demonstrate to the leadership of the program that you are a good student and a leader, the better. [Photo courtesy of Adriana Popa | Annually IFP makes a trip to Washington, D.C. to meet with policy-makers, elected officials, journalists, diplomats and legislators.] The Positives: Leadership: Professor Sestanovich has had a diverse career, including service both in and out of government. He has held senior positions in the U.S. Department of State and the National Security Council, at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. As such, he has a wealth of knowledge and interesting experience, and can be a great resource for anyone seeking to build a career in government or in international affairs. He is also an animated speaker, and punctuates class sessions with personal anecdotes. The variety of perspectives: you will be awed by your peers, and they will make your experience so much more interesting and rich. The stipend. You’re PAID to take a class! Access to policymakers, elected officials, etc. This means awesome networking opportunities, and the possibility to hear personal perspectives on current issues on great importance, and on careers in government and international affairs. Ok, I love to travel, so I always get excited about trip opportunities! Interesting readings. Students have greater input into the topics selected for the second semester. Opportunities for debate: there are several debates throughout the semester. Limited work you must actually produce: besides debates and weekly discussions, which you must prepare and are expected to be active/engaged in, there is only one debate response paper (short) and a term paper (longer). That’s pretty good! The Negatives: The reading load is heavy. You will be required to read one book or more per week. You have no input on the topic selected for examination for the first semester. If you’re not interested in any of them that might make for a boring/painful first semester. There are debates. If you don’t like them/aren’t good at them, note that these happen a few times per semester, and you are graded on them. The stipend is great, but if you have to choose between this and a better paid opportunity (such as a job or fellowship), the decision might be a difficult one. Scheduling conflicts: you might not to be able to attend all the wonderful dinners, meetings and trips because of other work that needs to be done. Award Amounts: All fellows receive a stipend. Currently, the stipend is $ 3,000 per semester, so $6,000 per year. [Top photo courtesy of Adriana Popa | Every week the IFP holds intimate classroom debates.]
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Technology And The Classroom Is Not Anything New - 931 Words
Technology in the classroom is not anything new. Teachers have been trying to integrate technology in the classroom for years and have been successful in making learning more interactive and connected. With this in mind, it is important to highlight flipped classroom, digital collaboration, and one-to-one technology initiatives, all being part of the advancement of technology in the classroom. Understanding these great bounds technology has taken; it is still key to understand where learning begins and the basis of education. Flipped classrooms are becoming a growing trend. With the emphasis of critical thinking in the Common Core State Standards, discussion is important to education. Students can take learning into their own hands with their own time with a flipped classroom. The flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. Short video lectures are viewed by students at home before the class session, while in-class time is devoted to exercises, projects, or discussions. (7 things you should know about†¦Flipped classrooms, 2012) Using technology to get the lecture or lesson across outside of school gives time for other things in the classroom that may make the information more accessible to the students. In classes, it is sometimes hard to make sure that everyone understands lecture notes, lectures, or is getting all notes written down that are needed to succeed. When students are able toShow MoreRelated The Multitasking Generation an Article by Claudia Wallis1015 Words  | 5 PagesThough there are some positive effects, the adverse impact of technology on education has been extraordinary. The technology community has worked hard to bring useful technology into our classrooms, all with good intentions to broaden our knowledge. With these good intentions also came about unwanted side effects such as distraction and disruption in the classroom. I can clearly remember many of my teachers yelling at us to put our cell phones, iPods, and iTouch phones away especially during lectureRead MoreImpact of Technol ogy in Education Essay1500 Words  | 6 PagesImpact of Technology in Education Introduction Technology is one of the concerns I have as a new teacher. Technology affects all aspects of our lives. The classroom is no exception. I do not consider myself to be one of those tech savvy people who can incorporate the latest program or gadget into my lessons. At home I often announce â€Å"technology free†days just so we can get back in touch with the important things in life, or the thing I consider important. I can’t do that in the classroom, I willRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On The Classroom1571 Words  | 7 PagesTechnology in the school has become an increasingly challenging and somewhat disruptive aspect in today’s educational system. In order to maintain what is considered the status quo, schools have focused their energy and resources on banning cell phones, wireless Internet and blocking social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter in schools. However, as technology continues to grow in our society outside of the school, many b elieve that effectively involving these technologies into the classroomRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On College Students977 Words  | 4 Pagestoday’s world technology is essential in almost everything we do. For many people, forgetting their smartphone somewhere is the worst thing that can happen. It is fairly safe to say that technology has almost completely taken over our lives. This is even more so for college students. Technology, for the modern day college student, is practically the base of everything they do. But when it comes to learning, is this technology really helping? In some forms yes, absolutely, technology is amazing andRead MoreTodays Society Is A World Of Increasing Technology1690 Words  | 7 Pagesincreasing technology. Everyday, there are technological advances in all different fields. Technology has made things much more accessible, doable, efficient, and faster. However, when this is depicted in television shows and movies, technological cla ssrooms are perceived as futuristic. For example, in an episode of the popular Nickelodeon show iCarly, Carly imagines going to a school in the future and the focus is on technology. Producers of this media do not realize that these classrooms do existRead MoreHow Technology Can Make A Younger Student995 Words  | 4 Pagesthere’s anything to be worked upon. If the teacher introduces this practice in the classroom, it will be a new tool for the students. There are a multitude of programs, applications, and websites that provides extra practice and explanations in an interactive way. In another case study done in Belgium, a student is quoted on how their teacher â€Å"made an interactive course with links to websites and movies†(Montrieux 9). Especially with the subject of mathematics, there are math games that can makeRead MoreEssay on The Impact of Technology on Education1230 Words  | 5 PagesThe Impact of Technology on Education Technology affects every aspect of our lives. From romance to business, it has shown its presence everywhere. But technology has had a huge impact on education that cannot be denied, and has done nothing but improve the quality and quantity of education. Today, schools are being pressured more and more to improve the technology they use and teach in the classrooms. Parents are placing this pressure on schools so that their students have the skillsRead MoreEssay on Technology and Education1190 Words  | 5 PagesTechnology and Education When I first stepped foot into a Towson University classroom I was surprised by what I saw. What I saw was something I thought only belonged in corporate meeting rooms. This device I speak of was a digital overhead projector. For me this was something new and very exciting. Where I went to school the idea of technology was a television with a VCR on a rolling stand. This change in technology was far superior than I had ever imagined and this is why I was I chose this topicRead MoreA Brief Note On Flipped Classroom And The Classroom1552 Words  | 7 PagesFlipped Classroom With the technology that is available for everyone to use today the priorities of what needs to be taught in the classroom has changed. Information is readily available for everyone to utilize at anytime. Students nowadays can ask Siri or Google about anything they want to know. Because of this, what students should be taught and the way that this teaching should be conducted should change. Students today need to be taught to critically think about things and be able to collaborateRead MoreA New Term Has Emerged In Education Recently That Has Teachers1070 Words  | 5 PagesA new term has emerged in education recently that has teachers unease with how they feel about it. The ever so emerging â€Å"flipped classroom†technique is starting to become integrated in several classrooms today. The reason so many teachers are suspicious of the technique, is because it is foreign and rather new. Traditional styled teachers are struggling to accept the new style due to the deranged f orms of learning. Whereas the newer teachers are excited to track progress and learn new techniques
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Freed Blacks rights after the Civil War Essay - 544 Words
Freed Blacks rights after the Civil War During the year of 1865, after the North’s victory in the Civil War, the Republican Party began to pass national legislation in order to secure free blacks’ rights. Through the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the constitution, the republicans tried to protect and establish black freedoms. At the same time southern state legislators were passing laws to restrict free blacks’ freedoms. Through the use of black codes and vagrancy laws, the south attempted to keep blacks in a state of slavery. These laws were worded in a way such that blacks rights would be so restricted that it would remain impossible for them to gain any real freedom. In one Mississippi black code, the law allowed for†¦show more content†¦The seventh section of these black codes allowed for the return of freed blacks to their employers if they were to quit â€Å"the service of his or her employer before the expiration of his or her term of service without good cause.†What a blacks’ term of service and what defined just cause for ending that term of service, would likely be left up to the employer, creating a system which virtually defined slavery itself. Since blacks were required to be employed, this meant that they could be held in slave-like conditions to white employers. In Mississippi and elsewhere, vagrancy laws were another tool used by southern whites to maintain power over free blacks. In Mississippi these laws defined any black not having employment, meeting with other blacks or whites unlawfully, or being intimately involved with a member of the opposite race as vagrants. Consequently, they could then be fined and/or jailed. These laws also allowed for any free Negro who could not pay his fine to be hired out to any white man who was willing to pay the debt. This set up a system in which a free black was confined to working for a white employer who could dictate control over most of their lives, or be declared a vagrant and then hired out into a similar position. Without black suffrage, free blacks had no way of changing these laws, which could keep them in a perpetual state of servitude. Blacks were forced to rely entirely on national republican legislation toShow MoreRelatedThe End Of The Civil War1228 Words  | 5 PagesAfter the Civil War, the fact that slavery was abolished might seem to be the end of the story; however, the problems derived from the abolishment of slavery had yet to be addressed. During the Reconstruction Era, these problems were reflected on the political, social, and economic aspects. Which played several major roles in shaping America from the late nineteenth into the twentieth centuries.These three aspects, political, social, and economical, affected one another so much that they were inseparableRead MoreThe Four Year Long Civil War1418 Words  | 6 Pagesresult of the four-year long Civil War, was a nation in need of much repair. The split of the union dividing North and South was centered around their oppos ing views on slavery. These tensions placed black slaves in the middle as an object the was in a tug of war between the two sides. In the end, slavery was abolished and the rights of freed slaves were thus added to the Constitution in the fourteenth amendment that prohibited their exclusion from the unalienable rights of a United States citizenRead MoreMargaret Walker s Portrayal Of The White Characters1346 Words  | 6 Pagesin the 1960’s during the Civil Rights Movement. Critics during that time found the portrayal of the white characters insulting, because they were too well balanced in comparison to the white citizens and slave owners in the 1800’s. I personally disagree with these critiques, and argue that the white characters Walker writes about before the Civil War, are given are given a balanced presentation in order to juxtapose the white characters she describes after the Civil War. Walker’s description of theRead MoreThe Freedom And Full Citizenshi p Of All African Americans907 Words  | 4 Pagesbecause of this the south seceded and formed the confederate states of America. Shortly after, the civil war begun with the attack on fort Sumter and more southern states seceded. During the civil war Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation that freed all the slaves in the states that seceded, this was the first step to the freedom and full citizenship of all African Americans. During the time of the civil war and reconstruction period constitutional and social developments moderately influencedRead MoreFreedom Among The African Americans1292 Words  | 6 Pagesconstant battle between his U.S born given rights and the limitations places on such rights by the states. Through the expansion and development of the United States in the late 19th century and early 20th century, the term freedom had been ironically used, for example through the 13th amendment where a former slave could be called a free man yet his freedom was limi ted and strictly outlined by the government. Slavery, though said to be abolished after 1865, had taken numerous new forms in societyRead MoreThe American Civil War1418 Words  | 6 PagesGuns fired, smoke lingering in the air, people dying. The American Civil War had a huge impact on the United States. Two compromises took place before the start of the Civil War. These compromises include the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850. The Missouri Compromise dealt with the crisis in 1819 over Missouri entering the Union as a slave state. The compromise was â€Å"the first major crisis over slavery, and it shattered a tacit agreement between the two regions that had been in placeRead MoreThe American Civil War helped to save the nation by rejoining Union Confederate and as result of800 Words  | 4 PagesThe American Civil War helped to save the nation by rejoining Union Confederate and as result of the Emancipation Proclamation, most African American slaves were declare d freed men. However, during the American Reconstruction, the lack of political unity was still very apparent as the South saw Reconstruction as being defeated humiliatingly and thus sought vengeance through the slaves it had lose. Although many slaves did receive their freedom, Reconstruction caused an increase in the white supremacyRead MoreThe Reconstruction Era Was A Time For America To Heal,1375 Words  | 6 Pagestime to recuperate and move forward, but certain things take longer than others. One issue that took tremendous effort was the advancement of African-Americans. Freedman were freed by law, but still mentally, socioeconomically, and socially bonded to oppression. Even after the Civil War ended, the fight wasn’t over; there was a war within the government itself, and a greater fight for freedman to achieve economic freedom without barriers. As the Reconstruction Era went on, any implementations used toRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Civil War859 Words  |  4 Pagesthe Thirteenth Amendment officially banned slavery throughout the United States of America. After multiple centuries of chattel slavery, predominately in the American South, African-Americans were finally set free from bondage. The fourteenth and fifteenth amendments quickly followed, granting citizenship to â€Å"all persons born or naturalized in the United States†and granting African American men the right to vote, respectively. Naturally, Americans denoted these momentous legislative feats, collectivelyRead MoreThe Civil War Of North And South Essay1269 Words  | 6 Pagesdifference led to the main distinction which existed throughout the entire Civil War, the dependence on the slavery. These differences sparked conflict between the North and the South placing them in an indisputable position, eventually leading to the Civil War. The prosecution of the Civil War of North and South differed drastically. The North fought to preserve the Union which entaile d abolishing slavery, enlisting the black in the army and also paying them proper wages, and the South fought to withdraw
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Subtle Knife Chapter Ten Free Essays
string(40) " osprey daemon sat glaring on his fist\." Chapter Ten The Shaman Lee Scoresby disembarked at the port in the mouth of the Yenisei River, and found the place in chaos, with fishermen trying to sell their meager catches of unknown kinds of fish to the canning factories; with shipowners angry about the harbor charges the authorities had raised to cope with the floods; and with hunters and fur trappers drifting into town unable to work because of the rapidly thawing forest and the disordered behavior of the animals. It was going to be hard to make his way into the interior along the road, that was certain; for in normal times the road was simply a cleared track of frozen earth, and now that even the permafrost was melting, the surface was a swamp of churned mud. So Lee put his balloon and equipment into storage and with his dwindling gold hired a boat with a gas engine. We will write a custom essay sample on The Subtle Knife Chapter Ten or any similar topic only for you Order Now He bought several tanks of fuel and some stores, and set off up the swollen river. He made slow progress at first. Not only was the current swift, but the waters were laden with all kinds of debris: tree trunks, brushwood, drowned animals, and once the bloated corpse of a man. He had to pilot carefully and keep the little engine beating hard to make any headway. He was heading for the village of Grumman’s tribe. For guidance he had only his memory of having flown over the country some years before, but that memory was good, and he had little difficulty in finding the right course among the swift-running streams, even though some of the banks had vanished under the milky-brown floodwaters. The temperature had disturbed the insects, and a cloud of midges made every outline hazy. Lee smeared his face and hands with jimsonweed ointment and smoked a succession of pungent cigars, which kept the worst at bay. As for Hester, she sat taciturn in the bow, her long ears flat against her skinny back and her eyes narrowed. He was used to her silence, and she to his. They spoke when they needed to. On the morning of the third day, Lee steered the little craft up a creek that joined the main stream, flowing down from a line of low hills that should have been deep under snow but now were patched and streaked with brown. Soon the stream was flowing between low pines and spruce, and after a few miles they came to a large round rock, the height of a house, where Lee drew in to the bank and tied up. â€Å"There was a landing stage here,†he said to Hester. â€Å"Remember the old seal hunter in Nova Zembla who told us about it? It must be six feet under now.†â€Å"I hope they had sense enough to build the village high, then,†she said, hopping ashore. No more than half an hour later he laid his pack down beside the wooden house of the village headman and turned to salute the little crowd that had gathered. He used the gesture universal in the north to signify friendship, and laid his rifle down at his feet. An old Siberian Tartar, his eyes almost lost in the wrinkles around them, laid his bow down beside it. His wolverine daemon twitched her nose at Hester, who flicked an ear in response, and then the headman spoke. Lee replied, and they moved through half a dozen languages before finding one in which they could talk. â€Å"My respects to you and your tribe,†Lee said. â€Å"I have some smokeweed, which is not worthy, but I would be honored to present it to you.†The headman nodded in appreciation, and one of his wives received the bundle Lee removed from his pack. â€Å"I am seeking a man called Grumman,†Lee said. â€Å"I heard tell he was a kinsman of yours by adoption. He may have acquired another name, but the man is European.†â€Å"Ah,†said the headman, â€Å"we have been waiting for you.†The rest of the villagers, gathered in the thin steaming sunlight on the muddy ground in the middle of the houses, couldn’t understand the words, but they saw the headman’s pleasure. Pleasure, and relief, Lee felt Hester think. The headman nodded several times. â€Å"We have been expecting you,†he said again. â€Å"You have come to take Dr. Grumman to the other world.†Lee’s eyebrows rose, but he merely said, â€Å"As you say, sir. Is he here?†â€Å"Follow me,†said the headman. The other villagers fell aside respectfully. Understanding Hester’s distaste for the filthy mud she had to lope through, Lee scooped her up in his arms and shouldered his pack, following the headman along a forest path to a hut ten long bowshots from the village, in a clearing in the larches. The headman stopped outside the wood-framed, skin-covered hut. The place was decorated with boar tusks and the antlers of elk and reindeer, but they weren’t merely hunting trophies, for they had been hung with dried flowers and carefully plaited sprays of pine, as if for some ritualistic purpose. â€Å"You must speak to him with respect,†the headman said quietly. â€Å"He is a shaman. And his heart is sick.†Suddenly Lee felt a shiver go down his back, and Hester stiffened in his arms, for they saw that they had been watched all the time. From among the dried flowers and the pine sprays a bright yellow eye looked out. It was a daemon, and as Lee watched, she turned her head and delicately took a spray of pine in her powerful beak and drew it across the space like a curtain. The headman called out in his own tongue, addressing the man by the name the old seal hunter had told him: Jopari. A moment later the door opened. Standing in the doorway, gaunt, blazing-eyed, was a man dressed in skins and furs. His black hair was streaked with gray, his jaw jutted strongly, and his osprey daemon sat glaring on his fist. You read "The Subtle Knife Chapter Ten" in category "Essay examples" The headman bowed three times and withdrew, leaving Lee alone with the shaman-academic he’d come to find. â€Å"Dr. Grumman,†he said. â€Å"My name’s Lee Scoresby. I’m from the country of Texas, and I’m an aeronaut by profession. If you’d let me sit and talk a spell, I’ll tell you what brings me here. I am right, ain’t I? You are Dr. Stanislaus Grumman, of the Berlin Academy?†â€Å"Yes,†said the shaman. â€Å"And you’re from Texas, you say. The winds have blown you a long way from your homeland, Mr. Scoresby.†â€Å"Well, there are strange winds blowing through the world now, sir.†â€Å"Indeed. The sun is warm, I think. You’ll find a bench inside my hut. If you help me bring it out, we can sit in this agreeable light and talk out here. I have some coffee, if you would care to share it.†â€Å"Most kind, sir,†said Lee, and carried out the wooden bench himself while Grumman went to the stove and poured the scalding drink into two tin cups. His accent was not German, to Lee’s ears, but English, of England. The Director of the Observatory had been right. When they were seated, Hester narrow-eyed and impassive beside Lee and the great osprey daemon glaring into the full sun, Lee began. He started with his meeting at Trollesund with John Faa, lord of the gyptians, and told how they recruited Iorek Byrnison the bear and journeyed to Bolvangar, and rescued Lyra and the other children; and then he spoke of what he’d learned both from Lyra and from Serafina Pekkala in the balloon as they flew toward Svalbard. â€Å"You see, Dr. Grumman, it seemed to me, from the way the little girl described it, that Lord Asriel just brandished this severed head packed in ice at the scholars there and frightened them so much with it they didn’t look closely. That’s what made me suspect you might still be alive. And clearly, sir, you have a kind of specialist knowledge of this business. I’ve been hearing about you all along the Arctic seaboard, about how you had your skull pierced, about how your subject of study seems to vary between digging on the ocean bed and gazing at the northern lights, about how you suddenly appeared, like as it might be out of nowhere, about ten, twelve years ago, and that’s all mighty interesting. But something’s drawn me here, Dr. Grumman, beyond simple curiosity. I’m concerned about the child. I think she’s important, and so do the witches. If there’s anything you know about her and about what’s going on, I’ d like you to tell me. As I said, something’s given me the conviction that you can, which is why I’m here.†â€Å"But unless I’m mistaken, sir, I heard the village headman say that I had come to take you to another world. Did I get it wrong, or is that truly what he said? And one more question for you, sir: What was that name he called you by? Was that some kind of tribal name, some magician’s title?†Grumman smiled briefly, and said, â€Å"The name he used is my own true name, John Parry. Yes, you have come to take me to the other world. And as for what brought you here, I think you’ll find it was this.†And he opened his hand. In the palm lay something that Lee could see but not understand. He saw a ring of silver and turquoise, a Navajo design; he saw it clearly and he recognized it as his own mother’s. He knew its weight and the smoothness of the stone and the way the silversmith had folded the metal over more closely at the corner where the stone was chipped, and he knew how the chipped corner had worn smooth, because he had run his fingers over it many, many times, years and years ago in his boyhood in the sagelands of his native country. He found himself standing. Hester was trembling, standing upright, ears pricked. The osprey had moved without Lee’s noticing between him and Grumman, defending her man, but Lee wasn’t going to attack. He felt undone; he felt like a child again, and his voice was tight and shaky as he said, â€Å"Where did you get that?†â€Å"Take it,†said Grumman, or Parry. â€Å"Its work is done. It summoned you. Now I don’t need it.†â€Å"But how – †said Lee, lifting the beloved thing from Grumman’s palm. â€Å"I don’t understand how you can have – did you – how did you get this? I ain’t seen this thing for forty years.†â€Å"I am a shaman. I can do many things you don’t understand. Sit down, Mr. Scoresby. Be calm. I’ll tell you what you need to know.†Lee sat again, holding the ring, running his fingers over it again and again. â€Å"Well,†he said, â€Å"I’m shaken, sir. I think I need to hear what you can tell me.†â€Å"Very well,†said Grumman, â€Å"I’ll begin. My name, as I told you, is Parry, and I was not born in this world. Lord Asriel is not the first by any means to travel between the worlds, though he’s the first to open the way so spectacularly. In my own world I was a soldier and then an explorer. Twelve years ago I was accompanying an expedition to a place in my world that corresponds with your Beringland. My companions had other intentions, but I was looking for something I’d heard about from old legends: a rent in the fabric of the world, a hole that had appeared between our universe and another. Well, some of my companions got lost. In searching for them, I and two others walked through this hole, this doorway, without even seeing it, and left our world altogether. At first we didn’t realize what had happened. We walked on till we found a town, and then there was no mistaking it: we were in a different world.†â€Å"Well, try as we might, we could not find that first doorway again. We’d come through it in a blizzard. You are an old Arctic hand – you know what that means. So we had no choice but to stay in that new world. And we soon discovered what a dangerous place it was. It seemed that there was a strange kind of ghoul or apparition haunting it, something deadly and implacable. My two companions died soon afterward, victims of the Specters, as the things are called.†â€Å"The result was that I found their world an abominable place, and I couldn’t wait to leave it. The way back to my own world was barred forever. But there were other doorways into other worlds, and a little searching found the way into this.†â€Å"So here I came. And I discovered a marvel as soon as I did, Mr. Scoresby, for worlds differ greatly, and in this world I saw my daemon for the first time. Yes, I hadn’t known of Sayan Kotor here till I entered yours. People here cannot conceive of worlds where daemons are a silent voice in the mind and no more. Can you imagine my astonishment, in turn, at learning that part of my own nature was female, and bird-formed, and beautiful?†â€Å"So with Sayan Kotor beside me, I wandered through the northern lands, and I learned a good deal from the peoples of the Arctic, like my good friends in the village down there. What they told me of this world filled some gaps in the knowledge I’d acquired in mine, and I began to see the answer to many mysteries.†â€Å"I made my way to Berlin under the name of Grumman. I told no one about my origins; it was my secret. I presented a thesis to the Academy, and defended it in debate, which is their method. I was better informed than the Academicians, and I had no difficulty in gaining membership.†â€Å"So with my new credentials I could begin to work in this world, where I found myself, for the most part, greatly contented. I missed some things about my own world, to be sure. Are you a married man, Mr. Scoresby? No? Well, I was; and I loved my wife dearly, as I loved my son, my only child, a little boy not yet one year old when I wandered out of my world. I missed them terribly. But I might search for a thousand years and never find the way back. We were sundered forever.†â€Å"However, my work absorbed me. I sought other forms of knowledge; I was initiated into the skull cult; I became a shaman. And I have made some useful discoveries. I have found a way of making an ointment from bloodmoss, for example, that preserves all the virtues of the fresh plant.†â€Å"I know a great deal about this world now, Mr. Scoresby. I know, for example, about Dust. I see from your expression that you have heard the term. It is frightening your theologians to death, but they are the ones who frighten me. I know what Lord Asriel is doing, and I know why, and that’s why I summoned you here. I am going to help him, you see, because the task he’s undertaken is the greatest in human history. The greatest in thirty-five thousand years of human history, Mr. Scoresby.†â€Å"I can’t do very much myself. My heart is diseased beyond the powers of anyone in this world to cure it. I have one great effort left in me, perhaps. But I know something Lord Asriel doesn’t, something he needs to know if his effort is to succeed.†â€Å"You see, I was intrigued by that haunted world where the Specters fed on human consciousness. I wanted to know what they were, how they had come into being. And as a shaman, I can discover things in the spirit where I cannot go in the body, and I spent much time in trance, exploring that world. I found that the philosophers there, centuries ago, had created a tool for their own undoing: an instrument they called the subtle knife. It had many powers – more than they’d guessed when they made it, far more than they know even now – and somehow, in using it, they had let the Specters into their world.†â€Å"Well, I know about the subtle knife and what it can do. And I know where it is, and I know how to recognize the one who must use it, and I know what he must do in Lord Asriel’s cause. I hope he’s equal to the task. So I have summoned you here, and you are to fly me northward, into the world Asriel has opened, where I expect to find the bearer of the subtle knife.†â€Å"That is a dangerous world, mind. Those Specters are worse than anything in your world or mine. We shall have to be careful and courageous. I shall not return, and if you want to see your country again, you’ll need all your courage, all your craft, all your luck.†â€Å"That’s your task, Mr. Scoresby. That is why you sought me out.†And the shaman fell silent. His face was pallid, with a faint sheen of sweat. â€Å"This is the craziest damn idea I ever heard in my life,†said Lee. He stood up in his agitation and walked a pace or two this way, a pace or two that, while Hester watched unblinking from the bench. Grumman’s eyes were half-closed; his daemon sat on his knee, watching Lee warily. â€Å"Do you want money?†Grumman said after a few moments. â€Å"I can get you some gold. That’s not hard to do.†â€Å"Damn, I didn’t come here for gold,†said Lee hotly. â€Å"I came here†¦ I came here to see if you were alive, like I thought you were. Well, my curiosity’s kinda satisfied on that point.†â€Å"I’m glad to hear it.†â€Å"And there’s another angle to this thing, too,†Lee added, and told Grumman of the witch council at Lake Enara, and the resolution the witches had sworn to. â€Å"You see,†he finished, â€Å"that little girl Lyra†¦ well, she’s the reason I set out to help the witches in the first place. You say you brought me here with that Navajo ring. Maybe that’s so and maybe it ain’t. What I know is, I came here because I thought I’d be helping Lyra. I ain’t never seen a child like that. If I had a daughter of my own, I hope she’d be half as strong and brave and good. Now, I’d heard that you knew of some object, I didn’t know what it might be, that confers a protection on anyone who holds it. And from what you say, I think it must be this subtle knife.†â€Å"So this is my price for taking you into the other world, Dr. Grumman: not gold, but that subtle knife. And I don’t want it for myself; I want it for Lyra. You have to swear you’ll get her under the protection of that object, and then I’ll take you wherever you want to go.†The shaman listened closely, and said, â€Å"Very well, Mr. Scoresby; I swear. Do you trust my oath?†â€Å"What will you swear by?†â€Å"Name anything you like.†Lee thought and then said, â€Å"Swear by whatever it was made you turn down the love of the witch. I guess that’s the most important thing you know.†Grumman’s eyes widened, and he said, â€Å"You guess well, Mr. Scoresby. I’ll gladly swear by that. I give you my word that I’ll make certain the child Lyra Belacqua is under the protection of the subtle knife. But I warn you: the bearer of that knife has his own task to do, and it may be that his doing it will put her into even greater danger.†Lee nodded soberly. â€Å"Maybe so,†he said, â€Å"but whatever little chance of safety there is, I want her to have it.†â€Å"You have my word. And now I must go into the new world, and you must take me.†â€Å"And the wind? You ain’t been too sick to observe the weather, I guess?†â€Å"Leave the wind to me.†Lee nodded. He sat on the bench again and ran his fingers over and over the turquoise ring while Grumman gathered the few goods he needed into a deerskin bag, and then the two of them went back down the forest track to the village. The headman spoke at some length. More and more of the villagers came out to touch Grumman’s hand, to mutter a few words, and to receive what looked like a blessing in return. Lee, meanwhile, was looking at the weather. The sky was clear to the south, and a fresh-scented breeze was just lifting the twigs and stirring the pine tops. To the north the fog still hung over the heavy river, but it was the first time for days that there seemed to be a promise of clearing it. At the rock where the landing stage had been he lifted Grumman’s pack into the boat, and filled the little engine, which fired at once. He cast off, and with the shaman in the bow, the boat sped down with the current, darting under the trees and skimming out into the main river so fast that Lee was afraid for Hester, crouching just inside the gunwale. But she was a seasoned traveler, he should have known that; why was he so damn jumpy? They reached the port at the river’s mouth to find every hotel, every lodging house, every private room commandeered by soldiers. Not just any soldiers, either: these were troops of the Imperial Guard of Muscovy, the most ferociously trained and lavishly equipped army in the world, and one sworn to uphold the power of the Magisterium. Lee had intended to rest a night before setting off, because Grumman looked in need of it, but there was no chance of finding a room. â€Å"What’s going on?†he said to the boatman when he returned the hired boat. â€Å"We don’t know. The regiment arrived yesterday and commandeered every billet, every scrap of food, and every ship in the town. They’d have had this boat, too, if you hadn’t taken it.†â€Å"D’you know where they’re going?†â€Å"North,†said the boatman. â€Å"There’s a war going to be fought, by all accounts, the greatest war ever known.†â€Å"North, into that new world?†â€Å"That’s right. And there’s more troops coming; this is just the advance guard. There won’t be a loaf of bread or a gallon of spirit left in a week’s time. You did me a favor taking this boat – the price has already doubled†¦Ã¢â‚¬ There was no sense in resting up now, even if they could find a place. Full of anxiety about his balloon, Lee went at once to the warehouse where he’d left it, with Grumman beside him. The man was keeping pace. He looked sick, but he was tough. The warehouse keeper, busy counting out some spare engine parts to a requisitioning sergeant of the Guard, looked up briefly from his clipboard. â€Å"Balloon – too bad – requisitioned yesterday,†he said. â€Å"You can see how it is. I’ve got no choice.†Hester flicked her ears, and Lee understood what she meant. â€Å"Have you delivered the balloon yet?†he said. â€Å"They’re going to collect it this afternoon.†â€Å"No, they’re not,†said Lee, â€Å"because I have an authority that trumps the Guard.†And he showed the warehouseman the ring he’d taken from the finger of the dead Skraeling on Nova Zembla. The sergeant, beside him at the counter, stopped what he was doing and saluted at the sight of the Church’s token, but for all his discipline he couldn’t prevent a flicker of puzzlement passing over his face. â€Å"So we’ll have the balloon right now,†said Lee, â€Å"and you can set some men to fill it. And I mean at once. And that includes food, and water, and ballast.†The warehouseman looked at the sergeant, who shrugged, and then hurried away to see to the balloon. Lee and Grumman withdrew to the wharf, where the gas tanks were, to supervise the filling and talk quietly. â€Å"Where did you get that ring?†said Grumman. â€Å"Off a dead man’s finger. Kinda risky using it, but I couldn’t see another way of getting my balloon back. You reckon that sergeant suspected anything?†â€Å"Of course he did. But he’s a disciplined man. He won’t question the Church. If he reports it at all, we’ll be away by the time they can do anything about it. Well, I promised you a wind, Mr. Scoresby; I hope you like it.†The sky was blue overhead now, and the sunlight was bright. To the north the fog banks still hung like a mountain range over the sea, but the breeze was pushing them back and back, and Lee was impatient for the air again. As the balloon filled and began to swell up beyond the edge of the warehouse roof, Lee checked the basket and stowed all his equipment with particular care; for in the other world, who knew what turbulence they’d meet? His instruments, too, he fixed to the framework with close attention, even the compass, whose needle was swinging around the dial quite uselessly. Finally he lashed a score of sandbags around the basket for ballast. When the gasbag was full and leaning northward in the buffeting breeze, and the whole apparatus straining against the stout ropes anchoring it down, Lee paid the warehouseman with the last of his gold and helped Grumman into the basket. Then he turned to the men at the ropes to give the order to let go. But before they could do so, there was an interruption. From the alley at the side of the warehouse came the noise of pounding boots, moving at the double, and a shout of command: â€Å"Halt!†The men at the ropes paused, some looking that way, some looking to Lee, and he called sharply, â€Å"Let go! Cast off!†Two of the men obeyed, and the balloon lurched up, but the other two had their attention on the soldiers, who were moving quickly around the corner of the building. Those two men still held their ropes fast around the bollards, and the balloon lurched sickeningly sideways. Lee grabbed at the suspension ring; Grumman was holding it too, and his daemon had her claws tight around it. Lee shouted, â€Å"Let go, you damn fools! She’s going up!†The buoyancy of the gasbag was too great, and the men, haul as they might, couldn’t hold it back. One let go, and his rope lashed itself loose from the bollard; but the other man, feeling the rope lift, instinctively clung on instead of letting go. Lee had seen this happen once before, and dreaded it. The poor man’s daemon, a heavyset husky, howled with fear and pain from the ground as the balloon surged up toward the sky, and five endless seconds later it was over; the man’s strength failed; he fell, half-dead, and crashed into the water. But the soldiers had their rifles up already. A volley of bullets whistled past the basket, one striking a spark from the suspension ring and making Lee’s hands sting with the impact, but none of them did any damage. By the time they fired their second shot, the balloon was almost out of range, hurtling up into the blue and speeding out over the sea. Lee felt his heart lift with it. He’d said once to Serafina Pekkala that he didn’t care for flying, that it was only a job; but he hadn’t meant it. Soaring upward, with a fair wind behind and a new world in front – what could be better in this life? He let go of the suspension ring and saw that Hester was crouching in her usual corner, eyes half-closed. From far below and a long way back came another futile volley of rifle fire. The town was receding fast, and the broad sweep of the river’s mouth was glittering in the sunlight below them. â€Å"Well, Dr. Grumman,†he said, â€Å"I don’t know about you, but I feel better in the air. I wish that poor man had let go of the rope, though. It’s so damned easy to do, and if you don’t let go at once there’s no hope for you.†â€Å"Thank you, Mr. Scoresby,†said the shaman. â€Å"You managed that very well. Now we settle down and fly. I would be grateful for those furs; the air is still cold.†How to cite The Subtle Knife Chapter Ten, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
European Trade Routes 1100
European Trade Routes 1100-1500 Essay If there was ever an important period historians, and people could put a finger on, this would be it. This is the important period where the worlds countries, kingdoms, and dynasties established trade routes. This is the period where countries were made and countries were destroyed because of the importance of trade and the importance of building a fundamental, religious, and economical way of life. This paper will discuss the goals and functions of trades, and traders, and a historical analysis of world trade. This paper will also get into world trade patterns, of The Americas, Sub-Saharan Africa, The Indian Ocean, The Silk routes, China and The South China Sea, Europe and The Mediterranean, and The Atlantic Exploration.The goals and functions of world trade today vary from when it started. Long distance trading today is a big part of everyday life for us. Most of our products, as you can see, come from China, Japan, Italy and other places across the ocean. Where would we be today if long distance trading wasnt a part of everyday life? Asia and Europe play a huge part in our lives, and in what we eat, function with, and for children, play with. When long distance trading first started, it wasnt as important as it is now. Traders mostly supplied goods for the rich who could afford these valuable goods, and afford the long distance accommodations. Supplies like gold, spices, silks, and others were sold to the rich and they were valued depending on weight and distance of the trade. A large part of the exchange economy was local, dealing with crops, and local manufactured products. The only problem with this was that it wasnt pricey and it didnt weigh much compared to long distance supplies, which made it difficult to make any profit whatsoever. Sometimes, to help out locals and the upper echelon, goods were traded for other goods instead of money. The most important part of trade was having a market to trade with. If there was no market, there was no business, and if there is no business there was no jobs, and money coming in for locals in that area. (The Worlds History, Spodek, 2001, Ch. 12)Free market economy, which is still tremendously popular today, as it was when trade first started, is a big part of trade. Free market economy is when traders seek personal benefits by buying supplies and goods at a low price and sell it at a higher price to gain profit. The price in free market economy can also vary, depending on the people the trader trades with and the up and down prices day to day the products value can become. Karl Polanyi, a historical anthropologist at Comlumbia University, argued that market economies, private profit seeking, and capitalism were a peculiar and unnatural way of structuring an economy.(The Worlds History, Spodek, ch. 12, p.375) Polanyi also discussed how back in ancient times, trading was meant to provide and benefit the whole society, not personal benefit like the free market economy was. Another historian, Philip Curtin, agreed with Polanyi is many ways; except that there was historical proof there was individual, personal trading going on in ports and throughout long distance routes back in the earliest times. (The Worlds History, Spodek, 2001, Ch. 12)Trade patterns in The South Americas included the Andes Mountains. When The Incas controlled the land in the early 15th century, the people generated extensive trade throughout the hundreds of miles north and south linking together a total of 32 million people. With so many mountains and zones to deal with, many products came out of this to trade, including potatoes, maize, chili peppers, squash, beans and others. Trade between these zones of the north and south, were controlled by semi-divine state rulers. .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056 , .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056 .postImageUrl , .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056 , .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056:hover , .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056:visited , .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056:active { border:0!important; } .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056:active , .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056 .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u49402bf674ef5da59f93a97249d86056:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The rights of the child Essay In the Yucatan of Central and South America the Mayan people blossomed from 200-900 B.C.E. By the time The Spanish came in the 1520s the Yucatan rule was diminishing. The markets had about 40-50 thousand merchants and from what the Spanish were stating, these markets were under strict government control. A big trade group, spreading across the Americas, was called The Pochteca. They were long distance traders who traveled in packs, had their own settlement, with government, temples, schools and courts, and also had the protection of royal guards. Their main god was Yicatecutli. (The Worlds History, Spodek, 2001, Ch. 12)In The Sub-Saharan Africa came the first introduction of the camel. The first time period, seen by written records, was the arrival of The Islams in the 8th century. Three empires were ruling at this time, Ghana, about 700 to around 1100; Mali, about 1100 to around 1400; and Songhay, about 1300-1600. All three kept trade routes open, which in turn gave them more power. Gold, slaves, cloth, ivory, ebony, pepper, and kola nuts moved north across the Sahara; salt, dates, horses, brass, copper, glassware, beads, leather, textiles, clothing, and foodstuffs moved south. (The Worlds History, Spodek, 2001, Ch. 12, p. 379) In East Africa trade went through the Indian Ocean through voyages of The Arabs. The first major port was Manda, but had been succeeded by Kilwa in the 13th century. They traded gold, ivory, horns, skins, tortoiseshell, and slaves for spices, pottery, glass beads, and cloth from India. (The Worlds History, Spodek, 2001, Ch. 12)The Indian Ocean four of Abu-Lughods routes included Indian Ocean ports. Janet Abu-Lughod was a historical sociologist, who had similar arguments to Curtins, and had eight interlocking trade circuits connecting the commerce of the eastern hemisphere. The four routes linked eastern, southern, and western Asian and Africa. Rome also conquered these waters, but it wasnt solely Roman waters. Catholics and Jews lived along the coast of The Indian Ocean. During the period of Tang- Abbasid control over the silk route, Jews had again emerged as a preeminent trading community of the disapora. (The Worlds History, Spodek, 2001, Ch. 12, p. 382) Jews had communities in parts of India and China, and Cairo, which was one of the biggest trade centers in the world. (The Worlds History, Spodek, 2001, Ch. 12)Muslim trade also was a big part of The Indian Ocean. Muhammad himself was a trader as well as a caravan driver. The Hajj (pilgrimage), encouraged for every Muslim at least during his or her lifetime, demanded international travel; trade connections flourished with it. (The Worlds History, Spodek, 2001, Ch. 12, p.383)After the 19th century The Asian silk route had declined tremendously. When The Mongol Empire came to power, the silk route was reborn. The Mongols divided themselves in several tribes led by a khan. For battles they were perfectionists on horsebacks, using bows and arrows. One of the most powerful leaders and men in all of history, Temujin, known as Genghis Khan, was born in 1162. Three generations before Genghis Khan was born, his ancestor Kabul Khan briefly reunited The Mongols, and this became Genghis mission. One by one he conquered tribes and reunited them at Karakorum, his capital. In 1206, all of the chiefs appointed him Genghis Khan (Universal Ruler). He mastered the mangonel and trebuchet, which catapulted giant rocks. He eventually conquered all of China, establishing The Mongol Empire again. When he died in 1227, his four sons continued to fight the battle the same way Genghis did. After the last successor to the title Great Khan died, they were eventually defeated and the dynasty divided permanently into four sections. (The Worlds History, Spodek, 2001, Ch. .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595 , .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595 .postImageUrl , .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595 , .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595:hover , .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595:visited , .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595:active { border:0!important; } .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595:active , .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595 .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uda5ba7341b810cfb4c27cd8f876d2595:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Skunk Hour by Robert Lowell Essay 12)This time period, with trading and building that was all on peoples minds, plagues and diseases also hit. As new land and new trade routes were being discovered, plagues that the immune system could not fight were also being discovered. One of the most devastating plagues to hit at this time was the Bubonic Plague. Historians believed that the Mongols trade route movement brought the bacillus Pasteurella pestis to the rodents for the first time. Yersinia pestis is a species of rod-shaped bacterium, belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae. It is the infectious agent of bubonic plague, and can also cause pneumonic plague and septicemic plague.(http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Pasteurella_pestis) In 1331 the infection entered China and began to spread, killing enormous amounts of people. This plague wiped out half of China since the Mongols passed through, and because this plague was so horrific, Mongol power weakened as a result of this. Europeans had no immunity toward new diseases, thus wiping out 1/3 of the population that swept across the continent. (The Worlds History, Spodek, 2001, Ch. 12)When you talk trade, and the foundations of powerful dynasties, you think China. When Marco Polo finally arrived in China in 1275, he described the ruler, Kublai Khan as the mightiest man. China was so advanced with riches, elements, and respect from underlings, that any of these could describe the comments Marco Polo had for Kublai Khan. Still, silk, porcelain, and tea, Chinas greatest products, attracted merchants from all around the world looking to trade.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Eli Whitney Essays - Agricultural Machinery, Business, Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney Historians believe that one of the greatest pioneers in the birth of automation, American inventor, pioneer, mechanical engineer, and manufacturer Eli Whitney. Best remembered as the inventor of the cotton gin. He made his first violin when he was only 12. Eli started college when he was 23, in 1788. He left for Georgia and got his first look at cotton business. He graduated from Yale in 1792, and went to Savannah, Georgia to teach and study law. After he graduated he went south to tutor the children of a wealthy plantation owner. He taught school for five years. Eli Whitney made and sold nails during the Revolutionary war. In 1798 Eli obtained a government contract to make 10,000 muskets. In 1812 he was given another contract for 15,000 muskets .He built the first firearms factory to use mass production methods. When Eli Whitney built his first factory in 1798, he allocated a great deal of his precious resources to providing housing for his workers as well as ensuring that they were well off financially. This consideration marked his entire career as an industrialist. He wanted to "employ steady sober people,"tied to his factory and part of a community of industry. He intended to create a self- sufficient village, producing goods, and populated by well educated, happy workers,Whitneyville. He also affected the industrial development of the United States , in manufacturing muskets but most of whitney's own guns parts do not in fact interchange. Nevertheless, Eli Whitney is a figure whose history is fascinating, and whose impact in New Haven can not be overstated. He translated the concept of interchangeable parts into a manufacturing system, giving birth to the Americanmass- production concept. Whitney saw that a machine to clean the seed from cotton could make the South prosperous and make its inventor rich. He set to work at once and within days had drawn a sketch to explain his idea; 10 days later he constructed a crude model that separated fiber from seed. By 1793 he designed and constructed a machine called the cotton gin, that quickly separated cotton seed from the shortstaple cotton fiber. The first cotton gin was a wooden box that spun around a drum and picked the cotton seed with wire hooks.Cotton Gin, machine used to separate the fibers of cotton from the seeds. Before the invention of the cotton gin, seeds had to be removed from cotton fibers by hand; this labor-intensive and time-consuming process made growing and harvesting cotton uneconomical. The cotton gin allowed the seeds to be removed mechanically and rapidly from the cotton fibers, making cotton production economical and leading to dramatic growth in the United States cotton industry. This expansion contributed to an increase of slave labor in the United States. Whitney's cotton gin, also called a saw gin, consisted of a cylinder to which a number of sawlike teeth were attached. As the cylinder revolved, the teeth passed through the closely spaced ribs of a fixed comb. When cotton was fed into the gin, the teeth caught the cotton fibers and pulled them through the comb. The seeds, which were too large to pass between the ribs, were left behind,( This principle, with virtually no modifications, is still employed in modern automatic saw gins used to process the bulk of the U.S. cotton crop).After perfecting his machine he filed an application for a patent on June 20, 1793; in February 1794 he deposited a model at the Patent Office, and on March 14 he received his patent. Whitney's gin brought the South prosperity.Whitney entered into partnership with the plantation manager, Phineas Miller, to manufacture cotton gins at New Haven, Connecticut. A disastrous factory fire prevented the partners from making enough gins to meet the demand, and manufacturers throughout the South began to copy the invention.but the unwillingness of the planters to pay for its use and the ease with which the gin could be pirated put Whitney's company out of business by 1797. When Congress refused to renew the patent, which expired in 1807, Whitney concluded that 'an invention can be so valuable as to be worthless to the inventor.' He never patented his later inventions, one of which was a
Friday, March 6, 2020
The Prison-Industrial Complex
The Prison-Industrial Complex Is prison overcrowding a vexing problem or a tempting opportunity? It depends on whether you see the nearly 2 million Americans locked in prison cells as a tragic collection of misspent lives or a vast self-sustaining supply of cheap labor. To be sure, the growing prison-industrial complex, for better or worse, views the inmate population as the latter. Derived from the Cold War-era term â€Å"military-industrial complex,†the term â€Å"prison-industrial complex†(PIC) refers to a combination of private-sector and government interests that profit from increased spending on prisons, whether it is truly justified or not. Rather than a covert conspiracy, the PIC is criticized as a convergence of self-serving special interest groups that openly encourage new prison construction, while discouraging the advancement of reforms intended to reduce the inmate population. In general, the prison-industrial complex is made up of: Politicians who play on fear by running on â€Å"get tough on crime†platforms.State and federal lobbyists who represent prison industries and the companies that profit from cheap prison labor.Depressed rural areas that depend on prisons for their economic survival.Private companies that view the $35 billion spent each year on corrections as creating a lucrative market, rather than imposing a drain on taxpayers. Influenced by prison industry lobbyists, some members of Congress may be persuaded to press for harsher federal sentencing laws that will send more non-violent offenders to prison, while opposing prison reform and inmate rights legislation. Prison Inmate Jobs As the only Americans not protected from slavery and forced labor by the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, prison inmates have historically been required to perform routine prison maintenance jobs. Today, however, many inmates take part in work programs that make products and provide services for the private sector and government agencies. Typically paid far below the federal minimum wage, inmates now build furniture, make clothing, operate telemarketing call centers, raise and harvest crops, and produce uniforms for the U.S. military. For example, the signature line of jeans and t-shirts Prison Blues is produced by inmate-workers at the Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute. Employing more than 14,000 inmates nationwide, one government-managed prison labor agency produces equipment for the U.S. Department of Defense. Wages Paid to Inmate Workers According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), inmates in prison work programs earn from 95 cents to $4.73 per day. Federal law allows the prisons to deduct up to 80% of their wages for taxes, government programs to assist crime victims, and the costs of incarceration. Prisons also deduct small amounts of money from inmates required to pay child support. In addition, some prisons deduct money for mandatory savings accounts intended to help convicts become re-established in the free community after their release. After deductions, participating inmates netted about $4.1 million of the $10.5 million total wages paid by prison work programs from April to June 2012, according to the BLS. In privately-run prisons, inmate workers typically make as little as 17 cents per hour for a six-hour day, a total of about $20 per month. As a result, inmate workers in federally-operated prisons find their wages quite generous. Earning an average of $1.25 an hour for an eight-hour day with occasional overtime, federal inmates can net from $200-$300 per month. The Pros and Cons Proponents of the prison-industrial complex argue that rather than unfairly making the best of a bad situation, prison work programs contribute to the inmates’ rehabilitation by providing job training opportunities. Prison jobs keep inmates busy and out of trouble, and money generated from the sales of prison industries products and services help maintain the prison system, thus easing the burden on taxpayers. Opponents of the prison-industrial complex contend that the typically low-skill jobs and minimal training offered by prison work programs simply do not prepare inmates to enter the workforce in the communities to which they will eventually return after their release. In addition, the growing trend toward privately-operated prisons has forced states to pay for the cost of contracts for outsourced incarceration. Money deducted from wages paid to inmates goes to increase the profits of the private prison companies rather than decreasing the cost of incarceration to taxpayers. According to its critics, the effect of the prison-industrial complex can be seen in the stark statistic that while the violent crime rate in the United States has fallen by about 20% since 1991, the number of inmates in U.S. prisons and jails has grown by 50%. How Businesses View Prison Labor Private sector businesses that use inmate workers profit from significantly lower labor costs. For example, an Ohio company that supplies parts to Honda pays its prison workers $2 an hour for the same work regular union auto workers are paid $20 to $30 an hour. Konica-Minolta pays its prison workers 50 cents an hour to repair its copiers. In addition, businesses are not required to provide benefits like vacations, health care, and sick leave for inmate workers. Similarly, businesses are free to hire, terminate, and set pay rates for inmate workers without the collective bargaining limitations often imposed by labor unions. On the downside, small businesses often lose manufacturing contracts to prison industries because they are unable to match the low production costs of a vast pool of low-paid convict workers. Since 2012, several small companies that had historically produced uniforms for the U.S. military have been forced to lay off workers after losing contracts to UNICOR, a government-owned prison labor program. Civil Rights Civil rights groups argue that the practices of the prison-industrial complex lead to the building, expanding prisons mainly for the purpose of creating employment opportunities utilizing prisoner labor at the expense of the inmates themselves. For example, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) contends that the prison-industrial complex’s drive for profit through privatization of prisons has actually contributed to the continued growth of America’s prison population. In addition, the ACLU argues that the construction of new prisons solely for their profit potential will ultimately result in the often unjust and lengthy imprisonment of millions of additional Americans, with a disproportionately high number of the poor and people of color being jailed.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
International Tourism Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 1
International Tourism Marketing - Essay Example This number represented a growth of 6.6 percent when compared to that of 2009. Receipts for international tourism grew by $919 billion in 2010, a number that corresponded to a rise in real terms of 4.7 percent (Corigliano and Baggio, 2004:301). Many countries around the world used to depend solely on other means of generating income. Introduction However, as time went by and economic analysts realized what tourism and its related businesses could do for a country’s growth, they initiated measures that aimed at encouraging intensive investment in tourism. In contrast to those other economic activities, tourism bases on competitive advantages and has the potent ability of creating additional income, growth, and job opportunities for many decades to come (Au, 2010:4). Estimates depict that international tourist arrivals will be more than 1.6 billion in 2020. International tourism suffered a setback due to the terrorist attacks that took place on September 11 that pushed the US ec onomy and indeed many others into recession. The September 11 terrorism attacks led to erosion of consumer confidence in travel (Akehurst, 2009:52). This traumatic blow delivered directly to the US tourism and leisure travel as well as domestic travel had no comparison even to the Kosovo or the Gulf War. As a result, the US economy took longer than projected as opposed to Germany and Britain (Fayal and Garrard, 2005:47). Given the tremendous results of international tourism as well as the possible challenges affecting its growth, this paper will seek to analyze the significance of social media in international tourism marketing. As of today, the behavior of consumers in tourism is different due to the hyperactive competition, digitization of the world economy, and the effects of globalization. This trend is becoming a multidimensional concept whereby people view it as an outcome of a dynamic system based on relations between the processes involved in motivation, attitude, effective manifestation, information, and perception (Corigliano and Baggio, 2004:302). With this respect, to research certain dimensions those are congruent to consumer behavior in international tourism in order to determine the consumption and purchasing pattern of the respective customers is essential. This helps in tailoring and catering for the customers’ needs and wants, which in turn translates to return or repeat business (Akehurst, 2009:53). As this essay depends highly on international tourism market and the diversity ascribing to this market, this sector requires bidders to put much focus niche marketing. Simultaneously, market segmentation becomes a subject with an attractive strategy, viability, and high as well as potential rates of profitability in this framework. The role of marketing research in international tourism market segmentation With the main objective of every company being to satisfy their customers, companies with a strong orientation pay special attention t o the behavior of consumers whereby they capitalize on the information that they obtain with the view of attracting new customers and retaining the existing ones (Corigliano and Baggio, 2004:303). In this context, it is agreeable that the complexity of international tourism marketing puts more emphasis on the importance for market segmentatio
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Roche Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Roche - Coursework Example 56). The method is essential for the implementation of innovative approaches, branding strategies, and synchronistic strategies. On the other hand, businesses engage on innovative approaches to evaluate market viability, dynamics of the clients, and the appropriate technology to implement in achieving successful outcomes (OrtuÌ n Rubio and GarciÌ a-Fontes, 2011, p. 33). The following is a critical discussion seeking to implement the process of marketing and innovation in Roche Pharmaceuticals inclined to appropriate recommendations to decipher its success and probable opportunities in the market. Roche Pharmaceuticals operates in the healthcare industry seeking to deliver astound resolutions in the pharmaceutical and diagnostics market segments. The healthcare industry is composite of many dynamics and business finding the idea of evaluation an inevitable course. Roche’s marketing and innovation programs exist amidst an ever-changing environment for the industry is broadly affected by internal and external environmental forces. Arguably, the healthcare industry exposes the available business entities to uncertainties due to a process of continued degree of competition (Moffat, Bohmert, and Hulme, 2008, p. 107). This also serves to barricade new businesses from entering the market. Roche is a globally renowned producer of medical equipment, taking the divisions of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics respectively (Tinguely, 2013, p. 32). The former field is tasked with applied sciences, and Roche Molecular Diagnostics. Further, the field draws the company into professional and tissue diagnostics, and diabetes care. The latter is tasked to the Roche Pharma, Genentech, and Chugai that serves to enhance its relevance in the industry. However, these facts do not serve as potential solutions to the challenging market situations (Mohr, Sengupta, and Slater, 2010, p. 142).
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Oldtown Expansion Strategies
Oldtown Expansion Strategies The OldTown Groups (OldTown) was established in 1999 by Executive Directors, Mr. Goh Ching Mun and Mr. Tan Say Yap, who formulated OldTown own blend of 3-in-1 instant white coffee. (OldTown, 2012) OldTown commenced their business as a classic coffee shop of 3 in 1 instants white coffee in Ipoh, Malaysia under Old Town White Coffee brand name since 2005. At the following years, OldTown is divided into two segments of food services which are fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and food and beverage (FB). At the end of year 2011, Old Town has 196 cafà © outlets in different countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and China. These 196 cafà © outlets are comprised of 79 fully owned cafà © outlets, 18 partially owned cafà © outlets, 96 franchised outlets and 3 licensed outlets. Besides, Old Town has manufactured the beverage products and exported to worldwide countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, USA, and Canada. (OldTown Annual Report, 2011) According to OldTown (2012 ), the latest updated information showed that OldTown has expanded to 205 cafà © outlets. The goal of OldTown is to let everyone enjoy every slip of authentic Malaysian Ipoh White Coffee, anytime, anywhere. (OldTown, 2012) Therefore, OldTown will continue to launch the high quality products to customers for collective vision of creating to be Asia Pacifics Leading White Coffee producer in providing high quality product to customers globally. (OldTown, 2012) The mission of OldTown is to promote their Unique Malaysian Taste- the authentic Ipoh White Coffee and continue White Coffee Legacy through continuous improvement and innovation that exceeds customer expectations. (OldTown, 2012) On the other hand, according to the OldTown (2012), the core values consist of consistency, continuity and growth, originality and creativity, respect diversities and traditions, as well as ethics and integrity. Besides, they adopt integrated business strategies and focus on five key components. The first component is to build up strong brand equity and keep customer loyalty by strengthening a nd promoting OLDTOWN brand name. Second component is to continue in expansion of cafà © network through franchise programmed locally and internationally and rely on establishment of their fully owned outlets. Third component is to strengthen the position as an operator of a major cafà © chain. Fourth component is to continue in development of a new and innovative product. Last component is to establish high standards of the quality products and services consistently to exceed the benchmark standard of quality and customers expectations. (OldTown Annual Report, 2011) 2.0 Current expansion strategy OldTown adopts different expansion strategies such as franchise, licensed, partially-owned and fully-owned strategies in different countries which include Malaysia, Singapore, China and Indonesia. (OldTown Annual Report, 2011). OldTown more focus in adopting franchise strategies since this strategy brings more successes to expand cafà © network either locally and internationally in spite of fully relying on the establishment of fully-owned outlets. (OldTown Annual Report, 2011) OldTown is implementing export of the products to other countries. Exporting allows OldTown to gain competitive advantages which are increasing the products sales performance, market shares as well as profitability (Piercy, Kaleka and Katsikeas, 1998). OldTown exports the beverages products also can expose the brand name and attract more customers from different regions. On top of that, exporting also allows OldTown to expand the customers base in global market. (Kaleka, 2011). On the other hand, exporting requires high transport fees. The cost of shipping may be a serious issue for OldTown. Shipping costs can make exporting uneconomical especially when the products are export in high volume. Furthermore, OldTown is depending on the fluctuation of transportation costs. The transport or shipping fees keep on increasing nowadays in exporting goods due to economic downturn, inflation and financial crisis. Ultimately, OldTown should be more concerns about this issue since this could be a drawback for export sales. According to Combss study (2004), in franchising strategy, an agreement is held by two independent parties whereby franchisor grants the right to franchisee to run the business in return of annual loyalty in monetary form (as cited in Miles, Aaron, Jeremy, Kelly and Di Wu, 2011). In other words, franchising is a legal regulation activity and requires compliance with federal and state franchise laws. According to the Buckless study (2011), franchising allows the franchisors to gain opportunity to entry the new markets by attracting the potential franchisees. OldTown chooses master franchise as its form of franchising is due to franchising is the most popular mode of entry into distant and cultural dissimilar market in Asia. Franchise model also provides scale to the company. OldTown currently owns 85 franchised cafà © outlets and one licensed cafe outlet in Malaysia. Revenues from these franchised outlets are earned through the initial franchise fees (RM 80k), the sales of Old towns produces, the royalties (5% of revenues) and the AP fees (3% of revenues). (Oldtown Berhad, 2011). OldTown is required to work with well-experiencing franchise lawyer to successfully establish the franchisee strategy. In order to reduce the business risks, OldTown internationalizes the business by expanding the cafà © outlets to the close countries (Aliouche and Schlentrich, 2011). Previously, OldTown is expanded from Malaysia to Singapore which is physically close to the home country. Singapore has the similar cultures with Malaysia. Cultural factors might increase the risk to the developing corporation in foreign market in accordance to Broutherss study (2002) (as cited in Aliouche and Schlentrich, 2011). The franchisors normally prefer to expand the businesses that have geographical and cultural similarities to the host country (Aliouche and Schlentrich, 2011). According to Aliouche and Schlentrich (2011), the corporation will then move gradually to the distant ones after successfully internationalize to the close country, as OldTown has. OldTown has successfully standing in Singapore with the good reputation of the products and services. After that, OldTown targeted the China and the Indonesi a market. OldTown White Coffee is definitely successful in locals where it earns Industry Excellence Award in Malaysia which organized by Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) as at 24th March 2011. Besides that, at the same year and date, OldTown also received Product Excellent Award organized by MITI, Putra Brand Award 2011 and 2012 (people choice special mention) in 2011 and 2012, and so forth (Old Town Annual repor, 2011). All these recent evidences had showed that OldTown is quite successful in locally. Based on the evidence from the study (William and James, 2009), franchising and fully-owned strategies could help in reducing costs of finding and monitoring the outlet manager. In the words of Bradach (1997), the fully-owned strategy aids in standardization; franchising gives a strong motive to locals managers (franchisee) and they are motivated to keep on improving the cafà © outlets to make it as profitable as possible (as cited in William and James, 2009). In other words, OldTown does not need to oversee the franchisee closely in protecting the franchisors image and reputation. In short, franchising allowed OldTown (franchisor) to expand and minimize the monitoring cost (William James, 2009). Besides, franchising strategy also helps to expand number of OldTown customer with faster pace (Edwards, 2011). OldTown grants the right to franchisee to operate in different countries. Therefore, by expanding the cafà © outlet in other geographical areas, this also helps OldTown to raise the customer awareness. In addition, OldTown always emphasize on brand equity. Hence, OldTown is promoting the brand name OLDTOWN through the expansion strategies. These strategies might help OldTown to gain the customers loyalty and successfully build up the brand equity, not only in Malaysia but also in other countries for instance, Singapore. Aside from these, franchising also helps OldTown to enhance competitiveness in food and beverage industry (Holmes, 2003; Joseph, 2011). Franchising spreads the risk through other people investment in different locations. Franchisee normally is the one who responsible for the loan, debt and so on, and hence, OldTown basically can minimize risk in expanding the businesses. OldTown has better expansion networks for the cafà © outlets since 2005, from a small, humble coffee cafà © to 196 cafà © outlets chain. Thus, OldTown generally could obtain the advantage of loyalties and raise the brand recognition through the ease of this type expansion strategy (Chris, 2011). By the same token, there might have a few of risks that could be faced by OldTown in adopting the franchising. The main disadvantage for OldTown in using franchise strategy is that it can be considered quite costly for the potential franchisee. Once it is implemented, franchises fee charge and ongoing royalties would cut the profits of franchisees (Sim, 2008). Besides the initial fee for agreement, original franchise fees, annual royalties, as well as a percentage of franchises business revenue, franchisees also required to pay the extra monthly fees for the franchisor (Adrian, 2010). As part of the continuing franchise agreement, on-going fees are needed to pay to the franchisor for the support, training and development which are provided by the franchisor. In the long term, it will become a restriction to the amount of profit for the franchisee. Besides, the franchisor also may charge additional fees for services provided to the franchisee, such as the cost of advertising (Ward, 20 12). Besides that, franchising also will cause the lose control right problem when the new franchisees become part of the franchise system. Sometimes, the franchisees are forced to make their own decisions in the uncertainty situation, and they might need to change the policies without make the earlier notification to the franchisor. In fact, franchisor only owns limited power to control the franchise branch and how the business runs. Furthermore, the established rules and the part of the franchise agreement, for instance, the ways of the business operation are already set up by the franchisor, it is rarely for a new franchisee to operate the business outside of these borders (Adrian, 2010). Hence, the franchisee will likely to follow the majority practices of OldTown to run the business. As a result, franchising limits the creativity of the franchisee (Sim, 2008). By adopting franchising, the issue of communications gap may arise between the OldTown and franchisee. Franchisees must follow the correct directions in order to maintain the brands image, the high level of service and so forth. If the franchisor and franchisee did not communicate well, franchisee may have misunderstanding and run the business without the proper direction. Moreover, if the franchisee unable to run the business with good quality or proper funding, it could curtail success and it will create a very unfavourable business environment as wel l. The actions and decisions of franchisees are very important because these will definite affect the OldTowns reputation, image, profession, as well as customer preference. The franchisee would rely on the brand of the business to bring a bunch of customers but OldTown is the one who need to undertake the risk. If the franchisee harms the OldTown image by serving the poor quality foods and services to the customers, it will knock on the effect of the own business. Ultimately, this could potentially damage the sales and overall profits (Adrian, 2010). According to the OldTown Annual Report (2011), the OldTown products such as beverages are more focused on the market segment which comprising professionals, managers, businessman in the age group between 30 to 50 years old. Most of the people concern with healthy conscious nowadays, Old Town also introduced healthier choices of beverage products into the marketplace, such as 2 in 1 No Sugar Added and 3 in 1 with Natural Cane Sugar coffee products. However, due to different countries have different needs, OldTown cannot oversee and control all the businesses includes the franchise outlets. Last but not least, franchise outlets need to invest in various promotion tools such as advertising, promotional and marketing campaigns to increase the OldTowns brand image as well as to enhance its brand equity value in the marketplace. These promoting activities will need a huge amount of money in order to attract the customer and retain the old customers. 3.0 Future Expansion Strategy There are some recommendations for OldTowns future expansion strategies. OldTown can continue the current strategies (franchising and exporting) and the new recommend strategies (joint venture and strategic alliances). 3.1 Franchising OldTown is using the franchising as the entry mode strategy to achieve the rapid and low-cost market expansion, either in locally or internationally. Franchising allows OldTown to get the inflow of franchise fees to expand its markets. All of the premises, equipment and all other working capital that are needed to establish a franchise unit are invested by the franchisee. Besides, OldTown also able to receive the royalty fees from the franchisees. (OldTown, 2012) OldTown is relieved of many of the costs and risks through this entry mode. OldTown can achieve global presence quickly and reduce the risk and cost of doing business via franchising, as McDonalds has. Thus, this strategy should be continued by OldTown since it had good achievements with this entry mode. (OldTown, 2012) Furthermore, OldTown would establish as master franchisee in other markets. Master franchising depend the quality of the local partner to success in another nation. Thus, OldTown should find the right local partner and sell the master franchising rights. For instance, McDonalds, KFC and others are established a master franchisee in particular country or region. (Daszkowski, 2012) Master franchisee of OldTown will oversee the management and reduce the quality control challenge in other new markets. Other than that, master franchisee also can monitor the performance of the franchisees. In fact, there are many laws and regulations implied on franchising. Different nations have different requirements in this mode of entry. The franchisor shall satisfy the 2+1 requirement in order to develop a franchise in China. The requirement means the franchisor need to own two outlets of the franchise business for more than one year. (Philip, 2010). Franchising is a new business concept in Kazakhstan and is not leveraged to its full extent. It is an opportunity for the OldTown to franchising the brand to this country. The Kazakhstani entrepreneurs find it easier to work with Russian franchisors instead of other countries franchisors. This is due to both Kazakhstan and Russian share the same language and similar tastes, ultimately reduce the localization costs in setting new franchise. (Parshina, 2009) This would be a threat for OldTown to expand its franchise into Kazakhstan. OldTown should able to justify the benefits, risks and costs before enter the particular nation. 3.2 Exporting OldTown is pursuing the exporting as the one of the mode of entry to expand to other countries. OldTown is success to expand its brand through this strategy and OldTown is encouraged to continue this mode of entry. OldTown commenced the first export of OLDTOWN brand of 3-in-1 instant coffee mix to Singapore in 2001. The following years, OldTown success to expand the export markets to over 13 countries. (OldTown, 2012) Exporting allows OldTown to increase sales and profits by fully utilize the use of existing capacities. Besides, exporting also allows OldTown to gain new knowledge and experience about the foreign countries technologies, marketing techniques and foreign competitors. (Tekle, 2007) In Malaysia, OldTown distributed the coffee mix through major hypermarkets and supermarkets (OldTown, 2012). OldTown may consider using this type distribution channel in other countries. However, OldTown needs to handle all the logistic of the transaction and spend extra costs to export the products since the transport costs are high. (Delaney, 2012) Besides the transport costs, OldTown also need to pay attention on the costs from high tariff barriers which set by the particular nation. (Hill, 2011) Additionally, OldTown obtained the HALAL certification from the Islamic Religious Department of Perak for the Groups beverages in 2002. The beverages of OldTown are complied with the Islamic Law. (OldTown, 2012) This certificate also provides extra opportunity for OldTown to export the coffee mix to Islamic countries. 3.3 Joint ventures OldTown can use joint ventures to enter a foreign market other than using franchising market entry mode in expanding the business. Joint venture is the establishment of a firm that is jointly owned by two or more otherwise independent firms (Johnson, 2000). OldTown can joint venture with Chatime in Australia in penetrating their first new market in Western country. Chatime had operated in Australia since 2009 and now has over 30 stores Australia-wide (CHATIME Autralia, 2011). Moreover, Chatime are growing fast in term of opening one new store each month on average (CHATIME Autralia, 2011). Based on Chatimes record in successful penetration to foreign market, OldTown can penetrate to Australia by joint venture with Chatime. Joint ventures will help OldTown in getting local partners knowledge regards the host country competitive condition, language, cultures, political systems, and business systems. If OldTown expands their business without further exploring to the particular country history, competitive condition, political systems, business systems and cultures, OldTown will face lots of barrier to entry to the new market. This will also cause OldTown to have a wrong timing of entry or loss the opportunity chance in penetrating to the particular foreign market. (Hill Hernandez-Requejo, 2011) In addition, joint venture is good to be practiced by OldTown due to the costs and risks of opening a foreign market are shared. It can help OldTown in reducing the necessary costs such as initial capital requirement, transportation costs, advertising costs, operational costs, and extra cost charge by the certain local government for set up a new business in country. Therefore, by having a partner in reducing the costs, OldTown will face lesser risks for setting up the business in new market at foreign country. (Hill Hernandez-Requejo, 2011) Other than that, joint venture also allows OldTown to learn about a new market environment. If OldTown can success to become an insider in the country, it may help OldTown to increase the level of commitment and exposure in future. This will help OldTown to improve the image and reputation. Besides, OldTown also can penetrate to other foreign market in future with easier way and reduce lots of entry barriers. (Keegen Green, 2011) From this point of view, by joint venture with Chatime, it will help OldTown in building up their brand name. Although joint venture may cause the company do not have the tight control over subsidiaries that it might need to realize the experience curve or location economies. But, due to OldTowns management team is led by professionals and founders who have more than 20 years experience in the particular industry, it is believed that OldTown management team is more than capable and passionate to anchor OldTown towards more successes in the future. (Kenanga Research, 2012) 3.4 Strategic alliances The changes in political, economic, social cultural and technological environments make strategic alliances have the relative importance for a company to choose as an entry mode to foreign countries (Keegen Green, 2011). China businesses are stable and growing (OSK Research, 2012). OldTown intends to replicate the popularity of its coffee brand from Hong Kong to China with promoting the OldTown brand (OSK Research, 2012). OldTown found that the FB business in China is well carrying by having average spend per customer of 40-50% higher than the businesses in Malaysia (OSK Research, 2012). Other than that, demands of OldTown FMCG products remain tough. In addition, with the new added menu such as soup, OldTown found that China prospects seem capable at this point in time for penetration (OSK Research, 2012). OldTown believe that its business in China have to expand more rapidly than its competitors to ensure its company foundation can be strongly build (OSK Research, 2012). OldTown is setting up a new food processing centre as part of its expansion in penetrating Chinese food and beverage market in China (Ho, 2012). OldTown can use strategic alliances as their entry mode in penetrating to China, forming a strategic alliance with Secret Recipe in China. Secret Recipe had successfully established its brand name in China by virtue of its fine quality cakes, fusion food and distinctive service (Secret Recipe, 2012). This strategic alliance also allow OldTown in gaining extra knowledge from Secret Recipe regards the culture, political, and economic system in China without carry out a costly detailed research in China (Keegen Green, 2011). There are several advantages of using strategic alliance as the entry mode for OldTown in penetrating to foreign country. The advantages are sharing benefits of alliance as well as control performance of assigned tasks, long-term strategies is formed between two companies, and retain national and ideological identities when competing in markets not covered by alliance. (Hill Hernandez-Requejo, 2011) 4.0 Conclusion There must be reason when local coffee shop like OldTown able to success in highly competitive market. OldTown do not bond itself in its current expansion strategy, like franchise, fully-owned outlets and export the products. Meanwhile, depending on 1 expansion strategy is less flexible and too risky. OldTown current strategies had lots of advantages as well as drawbacks. Firstly, Franchising is a popular mode of entry to local and the foreign market. OldTown master franchise because of high revenues get from initial franchise fees, royalties, sales and AP fees. Next, export the products could gain competitive advantages by exposing their brand name and attract more customers from different regions by raising customer awareness, expand the customers base in global market. While, both franchising and fully-owned strategies, has advantage OldTown in reducing costs, attract for recruitment and attract potential franchisee. In the other side, Franchising also bring drawbacks like franchisee has limited freedom and creativity was limited by franchisor. There may be communications gap between franchisor and franchisees in decisions making and it could ruined the name of franchisors. Normally, company will be choosing to expand to close countries first because of the similarity in terms of geographically and culturally. OldTown needs to have product creativity to fulfill different country needs, and customer in different segments. It is good to continue the franchising and exporting strategy for OldTown since both strategies bring lots of positive outcomes, gains and profits. Both strategies had relieved many of the costs and risks, both strategies should be continued by OldTown since it had good achievements with this entry mode. Between Joint Venture and Strategic alliances is the potential of OldTown to expand to foreign countries, Joint venture could reduce the barrier to entry, reducing the necessary costs such as extra cost charge by the certain local government, in the mean time, increase the level of exposure of OldTown in that particular country. Strategic alliances enable OldTown to have long term strategy business in other country. Business nowadays is not only need to focus on customer and service, OldTown needs to follow the latest business trend and be flexible in showing high adaptability to changes. Besides, OldTown has seen the importance of contributions to the community, environment and its investors, as well as the business ethical for its well name or reputations.
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