Thursday, October 24, 2019
Intro to University Studies Reflection
Introduction to University Studies Course Reflection Jonatan Damon McCreary-Harris US/101 – INTRODUCTION TO UNIVERSITY STUDIES January 27th, 2013 Deanna Miller Introduction to University Studies Course Reflection I really enjoy commuting via Amtrak train whenever I go to visit my sister in Killeen, Texas. It’s a wonderfully exciting journey that lasts about a three and half days when departing from my home in Baltimore, Maryland. There are stops aplenty along this journey; it goes through: West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, finally Texas and my final destination.In the same way, our lives are journeys, each goal successfully attained prompts us to stop, evaluate our course and ensure our present path is in line with our intended destination. What are my long-term professional goals and how do my academic aspirations factor into reaching them successfully? What solutions and tools have been provided in this course, and how will they help me obtai n and reach my life goals? I believe this course has been the beginning of not just my academic experience, my professional career, but my life journey.I began my education journey several months ago with a fierce determination and firm resolve to obtain a master’s degree. I am aware it is a long-term commitment, understood the potential long-term benefits and the rewards of completion essay writers for hire. Charles Huckabee, a writer for The Chronicle of Higher Education, reviews the financial rewards; in an online blog know as The Ticker. He writes, â€Å"Based on an analysis of census and education statistics, the report says Americans who complete a bachelor’s degree have a median income of $50,360, compared with a median of $29,423 for people with only a high-school diploma.Those with an associate degree earn some $9,000 more than those with only a high-school diploma. Those with a graduate degree have a median income of $68,064, about one-third more than those with a bachelor’s degree†(Huckabee, 2012, paragraph 2 and 4). In summation, higher education generally equates to higher pay. Which, I believe over time, with proper budgeting and planning, and intelligent investments, eventually leads to financial security. Other than the clear financial gains, one must also onsider the skills and lessons taught while pursuing a higher education. It is commonly known that proper communication skills are imperative to academic success. In my opinion, this has been a recurring theme in regards to academia. Furthermore, excellent written communication skills are important due to the audience being unable to rely on important visual (e. g. ; body language, facial expressions, and hand gestures) and helpful auditory indicators to correctly interpret the writer’s intended message and determine the desired tone.The long-term value of excellent academic writing skills are the direct correlations to professional writing. Yes, the aud ience may be different, but the skills acquired are still very relevant and important in the workplace. Through this course I have been challenged to refocus and prioritise my responsibilities and obligations since returning back to college. Of course, with the increased amount of obligations came more stress, and the daunting task of how to deal with the resulting stress.I realised my current processes were inadequate and my stress levels were rising to very unhealthy levels. So, I started with what I knew and chose to incorporate various solutions, suggested by my peers and colleagues, into my time management system. I have always used a calendar to keep myself organised, but this was not effective, so I started to keep a detailed agenda. This is, sort-of, budget for time. This has allowed me to, at any moment, see where I needed to be, what I needed to be doing, and what exactly I needed to accomplish.During which, I felt it easy to get overwhelmed, so, the next order of business was to ensure sufficient time for some sort of physical activity. My preference for maintaining a relatively low stress level is by running, biking, or swimming. I believe that having a solid system of support is equally important. Actively promoting my health and wellness, as well as managing my time effectively, are two key elements that will allow me to achieve success in my educational and professional endeavors.Furthermore, this course has provided me with ample time to perfect my daily routine and time management process. This course has also inspired me to not just consider my personal and professional goals, but also now understand the importance of how to achieve those goals and how integral a well-conceived plan actually is. Moreover, it has impressed upon me how imperative it is to remain steadfast and focused, committed to the actual execution of the determined solution until you have reached fruition. One cannot simply run a marathon, a total of twenty-six miles, only to quit in the last five miles.Goal setting provides much-needed direction and goal planning allows us to clearly understand what is required for us to effectively reach them. It is necessary to remain flexible and open to altering the route to success. Circumstances may change, as they frequently do, and it is often necessary to reevaluate your goals and appropriately respond to the variables at hand. Through proper planning, remaining steadfast to my resolve for excellence, and the overall vision, it is my belief that I can achieve my highest goals.My success in the healthcare field directly relies on my continued pursuit of a higher education and my academic successes (e. g. ; Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees). I have a passion for excellence in the service industry and this is why I chose the healthcare industry. My life goal is to strategically position myself within the healthcare industry, wherein I will have the capacity to touch to and change the lives of other s, for the better on a much grander scale.As of now, I am relegated to lower tiers of the corporate ladder and am limited to working within the perimeters set by my organization. I hope to one day rewrite that game and bring the focus back to, what I’ve penned as â€Å"patient first care†. I want to raise the standards of excellence, in regards to patient care, in my organization. Ultimately, I would like to see them more aligned with that of my own. In order to get there, I must learn academically (obtain a degree) and gain the required professional experience to make this happen. Passion for excellence; excellence in service. †Over the past nine weeks I have grown to enjoy and appreciate the online classroom the collaborative learning environment it provides; I believe the value of such cannot be understated. Along with teaching important self management and critical thinking skills, this style of learning encourages students, as well as instructors, to active ly share their thoughts and questions freely, discuss and clarify these ideas, as well as evaluate others; whereas I may be less versed on a topic, my classmate may be an expert.Each online classroom is, in a sense, a small community or support system that in turn challenges our thought process and promotes personal growth. In order to succeed we, the students, are required to think critically and assume responsibility of our collective learning experience. I am extremely excited to take the knowledge I have learned from this course and apply it to my subsequent courses, as well as my professional career. In summary, Introduction to University Studies has provided me with a clear understanding of the online learning environment and effectively prepared me for future successes.The writing techniques, skills, and lessons taught, including also the resources that the University of Phoenix provides are truly advantageous and will surely help me achieve my long-term educational and caree r related goals. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from, and with such an incredible group of individuals. I am proud to be a Phoenix! Reference Page: Huckabee, C. (2012, December 19). Analysis Adds to Data Showing the Economic Benefits Of a College Degree. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from: http://chronicle. com/blogs/ticker/new-analysis-adds-to-data-showing-the-economic-benefits-of-a-college-degree/53267
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